Monday, September 30, 2019

Healthy Grief Essay

The loss of a family member and/or loved one can put someone on an emotional roller coaster. Whether it is an expected or unexpected loss, the emotional process of dealing with the grief could be the same. With an expected loss, loved ones are able to prepare themselves for what is to come. An unexpected loss could bring more emotions into the grieving process. This paper will discuss the grieving process by Kubler-Ross, the story of Job, and the way Muslims deal with death and dying. While some people focus on the sadness of losing a loved one, others try and find the positive in the any situation. To grieve the loss of a loved one, many would say that they feel a lot of different indescribable emotions. Shock, disbelief, emotional pain, anger, and sadness are all some emotions that people feel while grieving. Kubler-Ross developed a five step grieving process that one should experience and move through so they can move on to a happy life (Lecture 5 Notes). The process itself is: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (Lecture 5 Notes). It is easy for a person to not believe that a loved one has passed on as begin the grieving process (Lecture 5 Notes). Once the denial has processed and the loss has become a reality, it is normal to get angry and ask ‘why did this happen?’ Bargaining with God is the next step in the grieving process. Trying to make a deal with God to try and bring back a loved one gives a person hope that their loved one will come back. Once reality has set in, depression is the next step (Lecture 5 Notes). This is when the feelings of hopelessness set in, making it difficult for a person to pass this stage (Lecture 5 Notes). The last stage of the grieving process is acceptance (Lecture 5 Notes). This is the stage that helps a person emotionally move on from grieving the loss of a loved one. Life goes becomes a new type of normal with the memory of the loved one instead of the having the loved one there (Lecture 5 Notes). In the book of Job, Satan challenges Job’s faith and love for God, with God’s permission (Study Bible-NLT, 2008). Satan does everything in his power to get Job to not only doubt God, but to curse him as well (Study Bible-NLT, 2008). Satan killed his ten children and destroyed his livestock and servants (Study Bible-NLT, 2008). Job focused more on God and praised him as he mourned loss of his children and wealth (Study Bible-NLT, 2008). Satan then tried one last time by filling Job’s body with sores (Study Bible-NLT, 2008). The doubt of his wife and the negativity of his colleagues never gave him a change of heart. Job remained faithful to God, never doubted Him (he doubted himself at times), and still praised Him (Study Bible-NLT, 2008). God eventually replenished Job’s wealth and blessed him with more children (Study Bible-NLT, 2008). Job grieved in a very healthy way. He did not blame others and he did not curse God. He tried to find the good in every ba d situation. One religion that differs from Christianity and western civilization’s way of grieving the loss of a loved one is the Islamic religion. With death and dying, Muslims believe that there is life after death (Ross, 2001). It is believed that believers of the religion must practice the five pillars of Islam and live a righteous life on earth in order to have a different afterlife than those ‘unbelievers’ (Ross, 2001). People of the Islamic religion must mourn as they prepare for a quick burial (Ross, 2001). A loved one should be buried the day of death or the day after, not any later (Ross, 2001). In public, it is not of their norm for women to show any emotion at a time like this (Ross, 2001). Finding joy in the midst of losing a loved one can be trying. But like Job in the Bible, joy could come quicker if faith is not lost. Grieving is a challenging time to stay positive. Making the attempt to stay positive helps push one through the grieving process without getting stuck in one of the stages for too long. A good way to find joy is to continue to praise God and not to lose faith in Him. In closing, re-reading the book of Job in the Holy Bible has reminded me of how important it is to praise God in the midst of a storm. The loss of a loved one is tragic for anyone and grieving is a natural process in life. But if the focus stays on praising God and not losing faith, that grieving process can turn into a healing process and it is possible to find peace in the midst of grieving. God always has a rainbow waiting at the end of each storm, it just depends how long it takes for you to play in the rain before you get there.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Music and Film: Jaws (1975)

An opaque dorsal fin slices through the water. Camera-point-of-view on a young man splashing in the distance. The fin submerges. The sound track cranks up a notch: Dum- Dum – Dum – Dum – Dum – Dum..! Bubbles, white foam, glimpses of something large and foreboding thrashing in the waves. The music increases in its intensity: Dum-Dum-Dum-Dum-Dum-Dum-Dum..!   A red mist of blood that fogs the water. The audience in the movie theatre screams hysterically. A severed limb floats lazily to the ocean floor below. The music trails off. Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun-Dun.There have only been a handful of movies produced which contain a soundtrack that is not only instantly recognizable, but where the music also plays such an integral part in the film itself. Jaws (1975) is such a film. The movie successfully tapped into several human fears of the unknown and translated these phobias into a highly entertaining film that doesn’t talk down to its audience, nor uses viole nce gratuitously to get its point across.Commented Director Steven Spielberg:â€Å"†¦I think one of the reasons I made â€Å"Jaws† was because I was afraid of the water before I read the Peter Benchley book, and therefore I was the perfect candidate to direct this picture, because I have a tremendous amount of anxiety about the sea. Not so much about swimming pools or small ponds, but certainly about the eternal sea.I have a lot of anxiety, and my main anxiety stems from not being able to see my feet when I’m treading water. And what’s down there with me, and who’s nibbling on my toes. And I know how to express my fear cinematically. I’ve always been good at that, and I thought when â€Å"Jaws† came along, well, I   already have a tremendous fear of the ocean, and certainly a fear of sharks, and so I went to [producers] Dick Zanuck and David Brown and volunteered myself to direct the adaptation from the Benchley book†¦Ã¢â‚¬    (Excerpts from Steven Spielberg Interview)Composer John Williams — while no stranger to sound tracks for television and film (he’d already won an Oscar as music producer in 1971 for Fiddler on the Roof) — was just beginning to hit his stride on a musical odyssey that would see his movie soundtracks crack the Billboard music charts and sells millions. Almost unheard of for instrumental compositions, let alone for movie soundtracks.Williams saw something unique in the Spielberg rough-cut. He viewed the film as more  of an adventure and less as a traditional horror film. Recalled Williams in a conversation  with film producer Laurent Bouzereau:  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"†¦This is like a pirate movie! I think we need  pirate music for this, because there’s something primal about it — but it’s also fun and  entertaining†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( Lindahl, pg1 )As the legend goes, Williams was previewing proposed music for the film on his piano, playing t he basic structure for Spielberg and Bousereau and hammering out the now famous bars of impending doom on his piano keys. Spielberg thought Williams was kidding. â€Å"dum, dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum†   The rest as they say, is history:At first I began to laugh, and I thought, â€Å"John  has a great sense of humor!† But he was  Ã‚  serious — that was the theme for Jaws. So he  Ã‚  played it again and again, and suddenly it  seemed right. Sometimes the best ideas are  Ã‚  the most simple ones and John had found a  signature for the entire score†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã‚  ( Lindahl, pg 1)Let it be said that the music in Jaws is effective because it’s not over used. By playing the Jaws theme only to foreshadow the presence of the shark, the music is much more effective. Several examples of this stand out. The music played in the scenes of families playing at the beach have an almost home town flavor to them. The music when the boats are setting out to capture the shark have a classical feel and one scene in particular – of a child playing in the water with a fake shark fin – has no music at all. Collectively, this contrast in musical styles plays to the audience’s advantage. They know in short order when they do hear the jaws theme that there’s no mistaking the fact that the shark is going to make an appearance.What is it about the movie Jaws and its music that sets it apart from so many other adventure and suspense films? Oddly enough, prior to the film’s premier there wasn’t a â€Å"genre’ for this type of film. Horror and suspense were considered â€Å"Category B or C†.In fact, after Jaws cracked 100 million dollars during its North American Box Office the genre of monster/animal/villain stalking its prey was firmly in place. Whose to say there’s not a little bit of Jaws in every film ranging from Rambo to Halloween? Certainly there are variations of John Willi ams film score in the above mentioned film and more.Stephen Spielberg has gone on record as saying that Jaws wouldn’t have been nearly as successful if it didn’t have the music it did. Plainly put, the music works. Would any other type of soundtrack so indelibly stamp an image on the subconscious of the  audience? Highly doubtful. The by-now famous â€Å"†¦dum, dum, dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum†¦Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"   creates an instant visual. But also serves as a metaphor for the shark’s excitement when it approaches its prey or when it approaches the boat of Robert Shaw.Critics can say what they will regarding John Williams score for Jaws. As a â€Å"piece of music† it is not the kind of score that allows for listening while lying down on the coach for example. It is music that conjures up images. There are several suites — if the term can be freely used – that showcase Williams versatility as a scorer of music and as a producer who kn ows how to grab his audience by the collar.When it comes to music that creates a sense of suspense and hysteria the loaded â€Å"Shark Cage Fugue† bears listening to more than once. Similar treatment is due â€Å"The Great Shark Chase† and the nearly five minutes long â€Å"Man Against Beast†, where renditions of the familiar theme appears and disappears, interwoven with the theme associated with the actual shark hunting.However, Williams’ use of Quint’s â€Å"sailor song† as a recurring theme is used to great effect as a vehicle to mark the captain's inner resolution and character. He sings it when he is in a good mood, or when he needs to conjure up his muse: â€Å"†¦Farewell and a-do to you fair Spanish ladies, farewell and a-do to you ladies in Spain†¦Ã¢â‚¬    Williams interweaves this ditty at crucial parts of the film. Most notably when his ship â€Å"The Orca† is floundering and ready to sink. The shark is waiting â€Å"out there† somewhere and Quint is running out of luck. The music again — in this case not even the theme — is used to great effect.On a more technical note, it would be impossible to discuss the impact of the Jaws soundtrack on the film, without exploring how the music itself was packaged and made available to the public as a marketing tool. Andrew Drannon provides a valuable perspective on the issued soundtrack for Jaws, as well as an astute track by track breakdown of the music on it’s latest re-issue. Drannon mentions that the original Jaws score exists in three recordings: The original LP and a 1992 CD re-issue feature about half an hour of music that Williams rearranged and re-recorded for the sole purposes of the album, and this was for a long time the only available music from the picture. Drannon delves further into the music, saying:â€Å"†¦Film score collectors have been historically  Ã‚   quite adamant in their demands for comple te releases of soundtracks, namely for the scores of John Williams, which so often leave out highlights of the music and place them into confusing suites.  To some, this may seem a bit unneeded, due to the fact that the original 35-minute LP album featured a great majority of the score, with a few of the shorter cues actually expanded into suites.Still, for the 25th anniversary of the film, Decca saw fit to rescue  the entire musical work, minus the album expansions for a 51-minute CD release. Fans will be elated due to the inclusion of almost 30 minutes of new material, including fantastic cues not used in the film, which make up for the loss of the infamous original album developments†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Andrew Drannon pg 1)The final re-issue presents the jaws soundtrack into a more cohesive listening experience.Years after the film made its debut in theatres, after countless showings on television, after a Jaws Fest even, the music ha become an institution. There have been only a handful of films where the music has much such an impact: the James Bond franchise, Enrico Morricone with â€Å"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, and possibly the Indiana Jones series. But none make the blood curl, create a knot in one’s stomach and send a chill up the spine like John Williams soundtrack for the original summer blockbuster, Jaws.References:Spielberg, Steven. Interview excerpts, Jaws 30th Anniversary Special EditionDVD linear notes, 2005Lindahl, Andreas. Scoreviews.Com. Internet article. pg 1 1998Ibid. pg 1Drannon, Andrew. Decca Music Group Sound Tracks Review: Jaws 25th Anniversary Edition. Internet article. pg 1. 2000

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Meningitis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Meningitis - Essay Example s severe and resolves without specific treatment, while bacterial meningitis can be quite severe and may result in brain damage, hearing loss, or learning disability. Meningitis hearing loss typically appears after a bout with meningitis. Before the 1990s, Haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib) was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis, but with new vaccines as part of routine immunizations, the occurrence of this invasive disease has reduced. Today, Streptococcus pneumoniae and N. meningitidis are the leading causes of bacterial meningitis. It can be caused by various infectious agents, including viruses, fungi, and protozoa, but bacteria produce the most life-threatening infection. Factors such as age, history of head trauma cerebrospinal fluid leaks, and immune status may help determine the causative agent. The bacteria that is responsible for meningitis are the meningococcus (N. meningitidis), most important because of its potential to cause epidemics; influenza bacillus (H. influenzae); and various strains of pneumococci, streptococci, or staphylococci. H. influenzae occurs in infants and young children but only rarely in the elderly, and its course and symptoms resemble those of N. meningitidis. In adults, the bacterium pneumococcus (S. pneumoniae) is a common cause of meningitis. Meningitis hearing loss can range in varying degrees, mild, moderate, severe, profound or total. Though meningitis is a cause of hearing loss, there are others which are congenital or acquired. Hearing loss can be classified by the auditory system that is defective. The causes can be divided into two basic types: conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss is caused by anything that interferes with the transmission of sound from the outer to the inner ear. Possible causes include: middle ear infections (otitis media); collection of fluid in the middle ear ("glue ear" in children); blockage of the outer ear (wax); damage to the eardrum by infection or an

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critique and Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critique and Analysis - Coursework Example Dancing in public is a challenge to many students. The teacher assures the student that by listening and following the lesson they will not have to worry about dancing in public. They get the assurance that if they listen they will be able to impress their fellow student and dates. How to act in public so as to impress others and to avoid embarrassing oneself are is a key challenge to while learning how to behave in social spheres. Therefore, the teacher’s choice to use these factors to motivate the students to listen was an effective teaching skill. It was an effective choice because it addressed an issue the students faced. I would suggest a situational example to emphasize further the importance of the lesson. The lesson was well organized. The introduction shows the intended plan to achieve the goal of the lesson. The body is well organized and systematic. The students start by learning what rhythm is and how to recognize it in music. They then learn about movement and eventually how to incorporate rhythm and movement to make a dance. The conclusion restates the purpose of the lesson and relates it to an actual event in the lives of the students. The systematic organization was effective. The teacher involves the student actively from the introduction of the lesson by asking the students questions. The teacher keeps asking questions through the lesson to determine if the students understand the topic. To ensure participation, the teacher applies a random sampling technique. The lesson also involves a class dance routine involving all the students. The teacher’s techniques were effective in involving the students in the lesson. Particularly the dance routine that the students had to learn. The random sampling technique used to ensure participation was effective since it keeps the students alert and aware that they all had to participate. The teacher chooses to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Marketing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Communications - Essay Example Marketing communication can be described as a tool which is utilised for the promotion and branding of a firm as well as its offerings (Govoni, 2004). The impact of organisation on the overall marketing process and marketing communication identifies the factors affecting those processes. Marketing communication can also be described as an assimilation of various ideas, designs, and campaigns in order to percolate a particular message to the target audiences. According to the traditional marketing communication, there are five major tools used in communication (Kotler, 2004). These are advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, direct marketing and public relations. Media can be described as the medium through which these communication tools reach the target audience. For a long time, a predictable and formulated mix has been used, for example, different communication and media mix is used for business-to-consumers and business-to-business audience (Williams and Cutis 2012). Tec hnology and social media have complicated the traditional marketing mix and organisations have now started to explore. Recent slowdown in the economy has increased the pressure on the already overloaded marketing department. Managers are now required to create innovative strategies with even lower budget. Every department is now accountable for the budget they get. This has also led to internal competition. Apart from that, organisations are increasingly realising the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethics. Businesses have started incorporating these activities in most of their marketing and communications plans. The accountability and authenticity of these programs and campaigns are still questionable, it is clear that the marketing communication is rising from its traditional form to a more innovative, creative and comprehensive approach (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). In the current essay, a review will be done on the marketing communication tools and theories . The current disadvantages of these tools and future strategies will be discussed, with the help of relevant corporate cases. Theory and principles Based on numerous studies and research work, marketing communication theories are established. They are the result of years of consumer surveys, and analyses of the perception, changing preferences etc. The importance of these theories lies in the fact that, understanding of these theories is of immense help in formulating a strong communication strategy. Below are few of the established and widely used theories of marketing communication; AIDA Model This is one of the first models of communication strategy. AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire and action. Though in the year 1911, another factor, satisfaction was also added, the model is better known by its four factors; Attention- this is the first step of a communication process. Here the strategy is to get the attention of the customers. Presentations of revealing facts and fi gures or identification of a preliminary problem are few of the strategies which can be used in this step. Interest- once the marketer has gained attention, the next step is to generate interest and maintain it. The objective is to keep the interest of the consumer

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The final project should be an integration of your scholarly study Essay

The final project should be an integration of your scholarly study during the semester and a personal reflection on your service experience - Essay Example The enduring purpose of the institution is to develop a love and fondness for God, service to others, self-knowledge and respect for all creation and these missions were overly significant in my development and also the connection I built with the students. I started on 2nd June, 2014, and my main work was to ensure that the children received their snacks and that they were doing what they were supposed to. I was also charged with taking them out to the playing ground during their play time and setting their beds up for a nap. At first, I used to feel nervous. However, Dr. Zukowski words always inspired me because I always recalled him telling me to try and get out of the box. At once, I noticed a group of children staring at me and one ran up to me and hugged me. I froze for a second then I said hi to all children. Even though, I still remained nervous the entire day, I hoped that it would change in the future. On 9th June, 2014, I learnt that children have a very good memory. When I walked into the class, all the children recalled my name and I had just told them once. It was a shock to me. From them onwards, I decided to try and know all the names of the students because this could also make them feel important. 9th June was also the graduation day for some of the students. Just seeing them getting ready to leave felt kind of sad even though I had not known them for long. I think it was more about me thinking that I am also graduating this year and it made me realize that going to miss the professors and friends I made at Felician College. But, on the other hand, I feel so proud of myself just as I felt proud of the children today. All the goals and mission stated at the beginning of this paper overly helped me in my service to the children, and I understood myself more after the work. We also had two birthday parties on that same day and we sang happy birthday songs as I helped pass out ice cream to all the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

FMC Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

FMC Corporation - Essay Example While Aberdeen has the mindset of a modern, intelligent organization seeking to enhance continuous learning opportunities for its employees so that they too grow flexibly with the ever-changing needs of the market, Green River persists in a strictly role-based model offering little room for career enhancement, and instead, plenty of room for employee discontent. In such a scenario, redesigning job descriptions can go a long way in boosting employee motivation. Each employee has areas of strength and weakness; it is apparent that Green River's hierarchical structure doesn't encourage constructive dialogue so needed to enable people to break away from hesitations, and talk freely about their favorite interests concerning the job. An organization's woes begin when a person is stuck at the wrong role, and can't facilitate enough interaction to undergo a change. E.g. an employee endowed with a flair for marketing will find a technical role nothing short of drudgery, and vice versa. It is very important for Green River to recognize these symptoms before it is too late. The only way it can replicate the success of its role model, Aberdeen, is by carrying out an unbiased feedback among all employees concerning their career interests. The more number of employees it can place in the right role, the more it has secured an environment in which "change " is possible. Performance appraisal Aberdeen scores high on performance because of its structure, which incorporates a cross-functional team to multiply creativity, innovation and overall efficiency. In an apparently transparent environment, performance indices are easier to measure. In a nutshell, people feel motivated to work harder when they are assured that they would be rewarded for their endeavors through an easy-to-follow, responsive mechanism. This doesn't seem to be the case with the Wyoming unit, which clings to a bureaucratic system that chokes enterprise and funnels individual aspiration. Archer North & Associates describe performance appraisal as an ancient art, as the "only process available to achieve fair, decent and consistent outcomes (homepage)." The website goes on to elucidate the two contrasting schools of thought regarding rewards and incentives; while rewarding a good employee for decent output seems fair at first glance, often reviewers can be judgmental and opinionated, and the experience can be "punitive" and "harrowing" for the employee in case of negative appraisal. Another area of concern is the fact that it is often the case that the appraiser and appraisee know each other well because of frequent social interactions; so any negative feedback can cause "resentment and morale damage, leading to soured relationships and productivity decline" (Archer&North homepage). The bottomline is; any appraisal system put in place must be unbiased, acceptable to all, and highly sensitive in character. Pay Aberdeen being the more profitable

Monday, September 23, 2019

A Career in Pharmacy Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Career in Pharmacy - Personal Statement Example My grade point average was excellent.   In fact, I earned a 3.40 in my studies.   The pharmaceutical career is a wonderful way to apply my theoretical knowledge.   I can help people and I can contribute to the health of my community.   I can do this by giving advice and by considering the needs of my patients.   I am also interested in research and development.   My interest in pharmacy is not new. My grade point average was excellent.   In fact, I earned a 3.40 in my studies.   The pharmaceutical career is a wonderful way to apply my theoretical knowledge.   I can help people and I can contribute to the health of my community.   I can do this by giving advice and by considering the needs of my patients.   I am also interested in research and development.   My interest in pharmacy is not new. Actually, I have pursued my interest in pharmacy for many years.   At Santa Ana College, for instance, I studied Pharmacy Technology.   Even before I decided to earn my degree in chemical engineering, I was interested in pharmacy.   This demonstrates that I have been interested in the field for many years.   I also have prior work experience in the field of pharmacy.   This work experience has proven to me that this is the field in which I want to contribute.   This is my dream.   This is not a new desire; indeed, I have immersed myself in the field and I have been very successful and well-respected by my supervisors and co-workers.  Ã‚   I have demonstrated, through my studies and my work experience, that I will be a good pharmacist.   I worked at Albertson/Save-on and Rite Aid Pharmacies for more than one year.   I was responsible for multitasking; in particular, I was responsible for gathering information, for filling prescriptions, for counting medications, and for communicating with customers, nurses, and other health care professionals.   I was very proud that I was considered to be one of the fastest fillers with a minim um amount of errors.   I have the theoretical background to excel in the field, I have the practical experience to know that I will commit myself entirely to the field, and I have the human empathy to understand the significance of the field to my customers.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 3

Human Resource Management - Essay Example All these features are interrelated. This paper deals with wages and communication as two chief aspects of corporate environment and labor management. Wages and communication also serve as tools for reducing organizational conflict. Thus, organizations need to maintain an effective communication with its employees through discussion and interpersonal relationship for HRM and managing conflicts. 2.0 Introduction Employee- employer relationship has become an integral part of organizational practices at present times. Employee relations are hugely used for business orientation. Within an organization, both the employer as well as the employee desire to maintain a good professional relationship. This has been the reason why numerous organizations are emphasizing on development of relationship- based policies and practices. Changes in corporate business functioning promotes fair and justified behavior on part of management as well as the employees (Gennard and Judge 2005, p. 2- 3). Workpl ace relationship could lead to both harmony and conflict, as because it is based on paid employment. Within the whole process, every employee is trained, motivated, appraised and rewarded. This leads to development of not only formal institutional behavior, but informal interpersonal relationships as well. Factors that commonly affect relationship of employer and employee are labor unions, company culture, communication, wages, level of competencies, organizational objectives, etc. (Dzimbiri 2008, p. 1- 5) Wage could be considered as one of the determinants responsible for maintaining good terms in employer- employee relationship. Communication is yet another that influences professional relationship. This paper attempts to examine the some of the key aspects that influence the professional relationship shared by the employees and the employer. This paper also explores development of such relationship and also workplace environment due to factors like communication and wages. 3.0 Th ere are numerous factors that influence workplace relationships. Some of them are- Economic factors: The relationship shared by the employees and their employer is more unilateral in nature. Business process works by â€Å"downsizing† of the employees and â€Å"rightsizing† on part of the employers. Labor reciprocity has performance, appraisals and results for its basis. From economic perspecyive, business operation smoothly functions on mutual delivery of performance, both on part of the employees as well as of their employers. Economic interests of employees are directed towards personal gains, while that of the organizations are directed towards competence and deliverance. (Singh and Singh n.d., p. 128) Institutional factors: Level of competition highly influences workplace relationships. Distribution of work responsibilities, flexible timings, outsourcing have further influenced it. Professional attitude is the chief driving force. As a matter of fact, present age of globalization prefers one- to- one communication once again, but this time in the form of e-HR. Communication is maintained through electronic medium, in a virtual mode. Certain psychological factors are also interrelated to it. In a performance – driven work culture, employees are constantly driven by fears regarding job security. Thus, in industrial relations, counseling and mentoring has

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Notes On Making A Tricopter Essay Example for Free

Notes On Making A Tricopter Essay Making a Quad- or Tri-copter is a project I’ve been tempted by for a long time. Ever since I got an RC heli, which I’ve since abandoned. The Heli was too hard to fly, and there wasn’t much motivation to persevere — having learned, all you can really do is aerobatics, which I’m not very interested in. A quad, on the other hand, is easier to fly and much more flexible: I could add cameras, sensors, telemetry, code it to do interesting things, etc. And lots of people have done this so it’s an easy thing to Google about. The tricopter seems the most appealing so far – interesting build, nice balance of stability and maneuverability. Interesting things so far: * Design considerations for beginners * Calculator to check if a given set of components will work together (looks awesome) * Arducopter – if I don’t have success coding an Arduino myself, or it’s too hard, or I want the features without all that work * UK-based Arducopter store * Useful FAQ on frame design, and some other bits * Video on building a tri from scratch * Complete build guide from the dude (v2.5) * And the next version along, v2.6 HV * Newbie FPV guide * Open-source plans for the RCExplorer frame * Discussion on various FC boards * The KK board is also an ATmega – I did not realise this. Lots of resources here. * A lot of tips and links on this RCGroups thread * Massive flight controller feature comparison table (possibly not up to date) * RCExplorer’s tricopter setup guide * Forum for UK-based FPVers * FPV advice/support/campaign group * Credible explanation of the CAA regulations covering model aircraft (with and without FPV) in the UK * Another explanation of frequencies and their legality, also from FPVUK * Good-looking set of videos about FPV theory and builds * Company selling uk-legal FPV gear, and it sounds like they’re helpful too I’ll update this post with more stuff. Design notes Frame I thought there would be maths (shuddder) about frame size vs prop size vs motor power and all that sort of thing, but this FAQ says the main considerations are maneuverability and stability. A smaller frame is more nimble but less stable, and vice versa. Since I’m a beginner, a larger, more stable frame seems like a good idea. It also seems plausible that it’s a better platform to develop from: I could perhaps add bigger motors/props to increase lift, for example, without having to change the frame. (Guess). The RCExplorer v2.6 arms are 480mm, which seems a good place to start. I think I’ll also use the frame design from RCExplorer as it’s well proven and designs are available. Some tips from this thread: * Prop wash over the arms causes vibration. Try to mount the props at least as far above the arms as the prop radius. * ESCs (unsurprisingly) work better if kept cool. Perhaps worth mounting them in the prop wash? Props Not much headway on this yet. RCExplorer (again!) recommends the smallest props you can as smaller props are lighter and have less air resistance, making them more stable. Trial and error seems a sensible approach here, as long as the prop doesn’t overwork the motor. Control board From this table, Arducopter seems both very functional and reasonably priced. Lots of resources for it too. Beyond (advanced) features (that I won’t need for ages, if ever), I still don’t have a clear idea what the pros and cons of the various boards are, though. For example, noob-friendliness, ease of repairs. The KK board does have a screen to guide you through the process, which might make it preferable to start with. And it’s cheap, so easy enough to replace with something more feature-rich later. ESCs There are so many important bits of information in the big tips thread that it’s not really worth reproducing them here. Just go read it. Use NiMH mode even for a LiPo battery, because the low-voltage mode engaging (to protect the LiPo) causes flips (eek). Motors RCExplorer uses these for the v2.5. Mentioned elsewhere too. Is 750kV enough? What are the considerations? Batteries TBC Video Not planning to do this immediately, but from reading so far, there is stuff worth noting. Apparently, the only legal frequencies for airborne video tx in the UK are 2.4 and 5.8GHz. These are very short wavelengths with poor penetration and are limited to 10mw and 25mw respectively. This sounds totally dreadful, but people do claim that they can get decent range (up to a mile) with a high-gain antenna. A significant number of other people are (unsurprisingly) completely flouting the law. It does seem a bit OTT. Obtaining an amateur radio licence makes no difference as they do not include airborne transmissions (out of date but probably still accurate: Amateur Radio (Foundation) Licence Terms, Provisions and Limitations Booklet BR68/F, para 2(6)). Possible exception: higher power 5.8GHz transmitters at 250mw rather than 25mw. It seems that to stay legal you can only use 2.4GHz or 5.8GHz. My transmitter is 2.4GHz and I don’t want to replace that with an (obsolete) 35MHz transmitter. So it seems it’s 5.8GHz or bust. Telemetry, sensors I’ll think about these later. Transmission of telemetry data is permitted on 433.05 to 434.79MHz up to 10mw.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Oldtown Expansion Strategies

Oldtown Expansion Strategies The OldTown Groups (OldTown) was established in 1999 by Executive Directors, Mr. Goh Ching Mun and Mr. Tan Say Yap, who formulated OldTown own blend of 3-in-1 instant white coffee. (OldTown, 2012) OldTown commenced their business as a classic coffee shop of 3 in 1 instants white coffee in Ipoh, Malaysia under Old Town White Coffee brand name since 2005. At the following years, OldTown is divided into two segments of food services which are fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and food and beverage (FB). At the end of year 2011, Old Town has 196 cafà © outlets in different countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and China. These 196 cafà © outlets are comprised of 79 fully owned cafà © outlets, 18 partially owned cafà © outlets, 96 franchised outlets and 3 licensed outlets. Besides, Old Town has manufactured the beverage products and exported to worldwide countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, USA, and Canada. (OldTown Annual Report, 2011) According to OldTown (2012 ), the latest updated information showed that OldTown has expanded to 205 cafà © outlets. The goal of OldTown is to let everyone enjoy every slip of authentic Malaysian Ipoh White Coffee, anytime, anywhere. (OldTown, 2012) Therefore, OldTown will continue to launch the high quality products to customers for collective vision of creating to be Asia Pacifics Leading White Coffee producer in providing high quality product to customers globally. (OldTown, 2012) The mission of OldTown is to promote their Unique Malaysian Taste- the authentic Ipoh White Coffee and continue White Coffee Legacy through continuous improvement and innovation that exceeds customer expectations. (OldTown, 2012) On the other hand, according to the OldTown (2012), the core values consist of consistency, continuity and growth, originality and creativity, respect diversities and traditions, as well as ethics and integrity. Besides, they adopt integrated business strategies and focus on five key components. The first component is to build up strong brand equity and keep customer loyalty by strengthening a nd promoting OLDTOWN brand name. Second component is to continue in expansion of cafà © network through franchise programmed locally and internationally and rely on establishment of their fully owned outlets. Third component is to strengthen the position as an operator of a major cafà © chain. Fourth component is to continue in development of a new and innovative product. Last component is to establish high standards of the quality products and services consistently to exceed the benchmark standard of quality and customers expectations. (OldTown Annual Report, 2011) 2.0 Current expansion strategy OldTown adopts different expansion strategies such as franchise, licensed, partially-owned and fully-owned strategies in different countries which include Malaysia, Singapore, China and Indonesia. (OldTown Annual Report, 2011). OldTown more focus in adopting franchise strategies since this strategy brings more successes to expand cafà © network either locally and internationally in spite of fully relying on the establishment of fully-owned outlets. (OldTown Annual Report, 2011) OldTown is implementing export of the products to other countries. Exporting allows OldTown to gain competitive advantages which are increasing the products sales performance, market shares as well as profitability (Piercy, Kaleka and Katsikeas, 1998). OldTown exports the beverages products also can expose the brand name and attract more customers from different regions. On top of that, exporting also allows OldTown to expand the customers base in global market. (Kaleka, 2011). On the other hand, exporting requires high transport fees. The cost of shipping may be a serious issue for OldTown. Shipping costs can make exporting uneconomical especially when the products are export in high volume. Furthermore, OldTown is depending on the fluctuation of transportation costs. The transport or shipping fees keep on increasing nowadays in exporting goods due to economic downturn, inflation and financial crisis. Ultimately, OldTown should be more concerns about this issue since this could be a drawback for export sales. According to Combss study (2004), in franchising strategy, an agreement is held by two independent parties whereby franchisor grants the right to franchisee to run the business in return of annual loyalty in monetary form (as cited in Miles, Aaron, Jeremy, Kelly and Di Wu, 2011). In other words, franchising is a legal regulation activity and requires compliance with federal and state franchise laws. According to the Buckless study (2011), franchising allows the franchisors to gain opportunity to entry the new markets by attracting the potential franchisees. OldTown chooses master franchise as its form of franchising is due to franchising is the most popular mode of entry into distant and cultural dissimilar market in Asia. Franchise model also provides scale to the company. OldTown currently owns 85 franchised cafà © outlets and one licensed cafe outlet in Malaysia. Revenues from these franchised outlets are earned through the initial franchise fees (RM 80k), the sales of Old towns produces, the royalties (5% of revenues) and the AP fees (3% of revenues). (Oldtown Berhad, 2011). OldTown is required to work with well-experiencing franchise lawyer to successfully establish the franchisee strategy. In order to reduce the business risks, OldTown internationalizes the business by expanding the cafà © outlets to the close countries (Aliouche and Schlentrich, 2011). Previously, OldTown is expanded from Malaysia to Singapore which is physically close to the home country. Singapore has the similar cultures with Malaysia. Cultural factors might increase the risk to the developing corporation in foreign market in accordance to Broutherss study (2002) (as cited in Aliouche and Schlentrich, 2011). The franchisors normally prefer to expand the businesses that have geographical and cultural similarities to the host country (Aliouche and Schlentrich, 2011). According to Aliouche and Schlentrich (2011), the corporation will then move gradually to the distant ones after successfully internationalize to the close country, as OldTown has. OldTown has successfully standing in Singapore with the good reputation of the products and services. After that, OldTown targeted the China and the Indonesi a market. OldTown White Coffee is definitely successful in locals where it earns Industry Excellence Award in Malaysia which organized by Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) as at 24th March 2011. Besides that, at the same year and date, OldTown also received Product Excellent Award organized by MITI, Putra Brand Award 2011 and 2012 (people choice special mention) in 2011 and 2012, and so forth (Old Town Annual repor, 2011). All these recent evidences had showed that OldTown is quite successful in locally. Based on the evidence from the study (William and James, 2009), franchising and fully-owned strategies could help in reducing costs of finding and monitoring the outlet manager. In the words of Bradach (1997), the fully-owned strategy aids in standardization; franchising gives a strong motive to locals managers (franchisee) and they are motivated to keep on improving the cafà © outlets to make it as profitable as possible (as cited in William and James, 2009). In other words, OldTown does not need to oversee the franchisee closely in protecting the franchisors image and reputation. In short, franchising allowed OldTown (franchisor) to expand and minimize the monitoring cost (William James, 2009). Besides, franchising strategy also helps to expand number of OldTown customer with faster pace (Edwards, 2011). OldTown grants the right to franchisee to operate in different countries. Therefore, by expanding the cafà © outlet in other geographical areas, this also helps OldTown to raise the customer awareness. In addition, OldTown always emphasize on brand equity. Hence, OldTown is promoting the brand name OLDTOWN through the expansion strategies. These strategies might help OldTown to gain the customers loyalty and successfully build up the brand equity, not only in Malaysia but also in other countries for instance, Singapore. Aside from these, franchising also helps OldTown to enhance competitiveness in food and beverage industry (Holmes, 2003; Joseph, 2011). Franchising spreads the risk through other people investment in different locations. Franchisee normally is the one who responsible for the loan, debt and so on, and hence, OldTown basically can minimize risk in expanding the businesses. OldTown has better expansion networks for the cafà © outlets since 2005, from a small, humble coffee cafà © to 196 cafà © outlets chain. Thus, OldTown generally could obtain the advantage of loyalties and raise the brand recognition through the ease of this type expansion strategy (Chris, 2011). By the same token, there might have a few of risks that could be faced by OldTown in adopting the franchising. The main disadvantage for OldTown in using franchise strategy is that it can be considered quite costly for the potential franchisee. Once it is implemented, franchises fee charge and ongoing royalties would cut the profits of franchisees (Sim, 2008). Besides the initial fee for agreement, original franchise fees, annual royalties, as well as a percentage of franchises business revenue, franchisees also required to pay the extra monthly fees for the franchisor (Adrian, 2010). As part of the continuing franchise agreement, on-going fees are needed to pay to the franchisor for the support, training and development which are provided by the franchisor. In the long term, it will become a restriction to the amount of profit for the franchisee. Besides, the franchisor also may charge additional fees for services provided to the franchisee, such as the cost of advertising (Ward, 20 12). Besides that, franchising also will cause the lose control right problem when the new franchisees become part of the franchise system. Sometimes, the franchisees are forced to make their own decisions in the uncertainty situation, and they might need to change the policies without make the earlier notification to the franchisor. In fact, franchisor only owns limited power to control the franchise branch and how the business runs. Furthermore, the established rules and the part of the franchise agreement, for instance, the ways of the business operation are already set up by the franchisor, it is rarely for a new franchisee to operate the business outside of these borders (Adrian, 2010). Hence, the franchisee will likely to follow the majority practices of OldTown to run the business. As a result, franchising limits the creativity of the franchisee (Sim, 2008). By adopting franchising, the issue of communications gap may arise between the OldTown and franchisee. Franchisees must follow the correct directions in order to maintain the brands image, the high level of service and so forth. If the franchisor and franchisee did not communicate well, franchisee may have misunderstanding and run the business without the proper direction. Moreover, if the franchisee unable to run the business with good quality or proper funding, it could curtail success and it will create a very unfavourable business environment as wel l. The actions and decisions of franchisees are very important because these will definite affect the OldTowns reputation, image, profession, as well as customer preference. The franchisee would rely on the brand of the business to bring a bunch of customers but OldTown is the one who need to undertake the risk. If the franchisee harms the OldTown image by serving the poor quality foods and services to the customers, it will knock on the effect of the own business. Ultimately, this could potentially damage the sales and overall profits (Adrian, 2010). According to the OldTown Annual Report (2011), the OldTown products such as beverages are more focused on the market segment which comprising professionals, managers, businessman in the age group between 30 to 50 years old. Most of the people concern with healthy conscious nowadays, Old Town also introduced healthier choices of beverage products into the marketplace, such as 2 in 1 No Sugar Added and 3 in 1 with Natural Cane Sugar coffee products. However, due to different countries have different needs, OldTown cannot oversee and control all the businesses includes the franchise outlets. Last but not least, franchise outlets need to invest in various promotion tools such as advertising, promotional and marketing campaigns to increase the OldTowns brand image as well as to enhance its brand equity value in the marketplace. These promoting activities will need a huge amount of money in order to attract the customer and retain the old customers. 3.0 Future Expansion Strategy There are some recommendations for OldTowns future expansion strategies. OldTown can continue the current strategies (franchising and exporting) and the new recommend strategies (joint venture and strategic alliances). 3.1 Franchising OldTown is using the franchising as the entry mode strategy to achieve the rapid and low-cost market expansion, either in locally or internationally. Franchising allows OldTown to get the inflow of franchise fees to expand its markets. All of the premises, equipment and all other working capital that are needed to establish a franchise unit are invested by the franchisee. Besides, OldTown also able to receive the royalty fees from the franchisees. (OldTown, 2012) OldTown is relieved of many of the costs and risks through this entry mode. OldTown can achieve global presence quickly and reduce the risk and cost of doing business via franchising, as McDonalds has. Thus, this strategy should be continued by OldTown since it had good achievements with this entry mode. (OldTown, 2012) Furthermore, OldTown would establish as master franchisee in other markets. Master franchising depend the quality of the local partner to success in another nation. Thus, OldTown should find the right local partner and sell the master franchising rights. For instance, McDonalds, KFC and others are established a master franchisee in particular country or region. (Daszkowski, 2012) Master franchisee of OldTown will oversee the management and reduce the quality control challenge in other new markets. Other than that, master franchisee also can monitor the performance of the franchisees. In fact, there are many laws and regulations implied on franchising. Different nations have different requirements in this mode of entry. The franchisor shall satisfy the 2+1 requirement in order to develop a franchise in China. The requirement means the franchisor need to own two outlets of the franchise business for more than one year. (Philip, 2010). Franchising is a new business concept in Kazakhstan and is not leveraged to its full extent. It is an opportunity for the OldTown to franchising the brand to this country. The Kazakhstani entrepreneurs find it easier to work with Russian franchisors instead of other countries franchisors. This is due to both Kazakhstan and Russian share the same language and similar tastes, ultimately reduce the localization costs in setting new franchise. (Parshina, 2009) This would be a threat for OldTown to expand its franchise into Kazakhstan. OldTown should able to justify the benefits, risks and costs before enter the particular nation. 3.2 Exporting OldTown is pursuing the exporting as the one of the mode of entry to expand to other countries. OldTown is success to expand its brand through this strategy and OldTown is encouraged to continue this mode of entry. OldTown commenced the first export of OLDTOWN brand of 3-in-1 instant coffee mix to Singapore in 2001. The following years, OldTown success to expand the export markets to over 13 countries. (OldTown, 2012) Exporting allows OldTown to increase sales and profits by fully utilize the use of existing capacities. Besides, exporting also allows OldTown to gain new knowledge and experience about the foreign countries technologies, marketing techniques and foreign competitors. (Tekle, 2007) In Malaysia, OldTown distributed the coffee mix through major hypermarkets and supermarkets (OldTown, 2012). OldTown may consider using this type distribution channel in other countries. However, OldTown needs to handle all the logistic of the transaction and spend extra costs to export the products since the transport costs are high. (Delaney, 2012) Besides the transport costs, OldTown also need to pay attention on the costs from high tariff barriers which set by the particular nation. (Hill, 2011) Additionally, OldTown obtained the HALAL certification from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the Groups beverages in 2002. The beverages of OldTown are complied with the Islamic Law. (OldTown, 2012) This certificate also provides extra opportunity for OldTown to export the coffee mix to Islamic countries. 3.3 Joint ventures OldTown can use joint ventures to enter a foreign market other than using franchising market entry mode in expanding the business. Joint venture is the establishment of a firm that is jointly owned by two or more otherwise independent firms (Johnson, 2000). OldTown can joint venture with Chatime in Australia in penetrating their first new market in Western country. Chatime had operated in Australia since 2009 and now has over 30 stores Australia-wide (CHATIME Autralia, 2011). Moreover, Chatime are growing fast in term of opening one new store each month on average (CHATIME Autralia, 2011). Based on Chatimes record in successful penetration to foreign market, OldTown can penetrate to Australia by joint venture with Chatime. Joint ventures will help OldTown in getting local partners knowledge regards the host country competitive condition, language, cultures, political systems, and business systems. If OldTown expands their business without further exploring to the particular country history, competitive condition, political systems, business systems and cultures, OldTown will face lots of barrier to entry to the new market. This will also cause OldTown to have a wrong timing of entry or loss the opportunity chance in penetrating to the particular foreign market. (Hill Hernandez-Requejo, 2011) In addition, joint venture is good to be practiced by OldTown due to the costs and risks of opening a foreign market are shared. It can help OldTown in reducing the necessary costs such as initial capital requirement, transportation costs, advertising costs, operational costs, and extra cost charge by the certain local government for set up a new business in country. Therefore, by having a partner in reducing the costs, OldTown will face lesser risks for setting up the business in new market at foreign country. (Hill Hernandez-Requejo, 2011) Other than that, joint venture also allows OldTown to learn about a new market environment. If OldTown can success to become an insider in the country, it may help OldTown to increase the level of commitment and exposure in future. This will help OldTown to improve the image and reputation. Besides, OldTown also can penetrate to other foreign market in future with easier way and reduce lots of entry barriers. (Keegen Green, 2011) From this point of view, by joint venture with Chatime, it will help OldTown in building up their brand name. Although joint venture may cause the company do not have the tight control over subsidiaries that it might need to realize the experience curve or location economies. But, due to OldTowns management team is led by professionals and founders who have more than 20 years experience in the particular industry, it is believed that OldTown management team is more than capable and passionate to anchor OldTown towards more successes in the future. (Kenanga Research, 2012) 3.4 Strategic alliances The changes in political, economic, social cultural and technological environments make strategic alliances have the relative importance for a company to choose as an entry mode to foreign countries (Keegen Green, 2011). China businesses are stable and growing (OSK Research, 2012). OldTown intends to replicate the popularity of its coffee brand from Hong Kong to China with promoting the OldTown brand (OSK Research, 2012). OldTown found that the FB business in China is well carrying by having average spend per customer of 40-50% higher than the businesses in Malaysia (OSK Research, 2012). Other than that, demands of OldTown FMCG products remain tough. In addition, with the new added menu such as soup, OldTown found that China prospects seem capable at this point in time for penetration (OSK Research, 2012). OldTown believe that its business in China have to expand more rapidly than its competitors to ensure its company foundation can be strongly build (OSK Research, 2012). OldTown is setting up a new food processing centre as part of its expansion in penetrating Chinese food and beverage market in China (Ho, 2012). OldTown can use strategic alliances as their entry mode in penetrating to China, forming a strategic alliance with Secret Recipe in China. Secret Recipe had successfully established its brand name in China by virtue of its fine quality cakes, fusion food and distinctive service (Secret Recipe, 2012). This strategic alliance also allow OldTown in gaining extra knowledge from Secret Recipe regards the culture, political, and economic system in China without carry out a costly detailed research in China (Keegen Green, 2011). There are several advantages of using strategic alliance as the entry mode for OldTown in penetrating to foreign country. The advantages are sharing benefits of alliance as well as control performance of assigned tasks, long-term strategies is formed between two companies, and retain national and ideological identities when competing in markets not covered by alliance. (Hill Hernandez-Requejo, 2011) 4.0 Conclusion There must be reason when local coffee shop like OldTown able to success in highly competitive market. OldTown do not bond itself in its current expansion strategy, like franchise, fully-owned outlets and export the products. Meanwhile, depending on 1 expansion strategy is less flexible and too risky. OldTown current strategies had lots of advantages as well as drawbacks. Firstly, Franchising is a popular mode of entry to local and the foreign market. OldTown master franchise because of high revenues get from initial franchise fees, royalties, sales and AP fees. Next, export the products could gain competitive advantages by exposing their brand name and attract more customers from different regions by raising customer awareness, expand the customers base in global market. While, both franchising and fully-owned strategies, has advantage OldTown in reducing costs, attract for recruitment and attract potential franchisee. In the other side, Franchising also bring drawbacks like franchisee has limited freedom and creativity was limited by franchisor. There may be communications gap between franchisor and franchisees in decisions making and it could ruined the name of franchisors. Normally, company will be choosing to expand to close countries first because of the similarity in terms of geographically and culturally. OldTown needs to have product creativity to fulfill different country needs, and customer in different segments. It is good to continue the franchising and exporting strategy for OldTown since both strategies bring lots of positive outcomes, gains and profits. Both strategies had relieved many of the costs and risks, both strategies should be continued by OldTown since it had good achievements with this entry mode. Between Joint Venture and Strategic alliances is the potential of OldTown to expand to foreign countries, Joint venture could reduce the barrier to entry, reducing the necessary costs such as extra cost charge by the certain local government, in the mean time, increase the level of exposure of OldTown in that particular country. Strategic alliances enable OldTown to have long term strategy business in other country. Business nowadays is not only need to focus on customer and service, OldTown needs to follow the latest business trend and be flexible in showing high adaptability to changes. Besides, OldTown has seen the importance of contributions to the community, environment and its investors, as well as the business ethical for its well name or reputations.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Death In Venice Essay -- Thomas Mann Death Venice Metaphor Essays

Death In Venice   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To have an understanding of the use of disease as a metaphor in Thomas Mann’s novella Death In Venice, it is useful to understand the concept of disease itself. According to Webster’s Dictionary, 1913 edition, disease is defined as the â€Å"lack of ease; uneasiness; trouble; vexation; disquiet.† These words do embody the struggles of the great author, and main character of the novella, Gustav Aschenbach, but it is the description of disease as â€Å"an alteration in the state of the body or of some of its organs, interrupting or disturbing the performance of the vital functions, and causing or threatening pain and weakness; malady; affection; illness; sickness; disorder; -- applied figuratively to the mind, to the moral character and habits, to institutions, the state, etc† that is the foundation of the metaphor used by Mann. The disease spreading through Venice, is presumed to be cholera, and to what Aschenbach surrenders to in Venic e. However, upon careful examination of the words written so eloquently, one can find that the death of Aschenbach was more than that of an artist afflicted with passion and lust for beauty than of any physical ailment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mann carefully combines philosophy and psychology in Death in Venice, and these two general areas of intellect are in conflict throughout the novella. Specifically, it is the philosophy of art, one’s quest for beauty, and the psychological theory of repression derived from Freud that present themselves as key concerns in the metaphor of disease. Aschenbach, in his question for beauty, and in his repressed upbringing as an outcast of sorts from his great forefathers lead to the internal conflict he personifies. â€Å"His forebears had been officers, judges, bureaucrats, men who had led their disciplined, respectable, and frugal lives in the services of king and state. Deeper intellectuality had embodied itself among them on one occasion, in the person of a preacher; more swiftly flowing and sensual blood had entered the family in the previous generation through the writer’s mother, daughter of a Bohemian orchestra conductor. It was from her that he derived the signs of foreign ancestry in his appearance. The marriage of a sober official conscientiousness with darker, more ardent impulses produced an artist, this particular artist.† These words allow us to see into the character of Aschen... ...oward evil, the forbidden and the morally impossible?†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Disease of the soul, and disease of the body are much the same. One is no more disturbing than the other, and as Mann writes about this theme in Death In Venice we see that when we find that which is our passion life stops. â€Å"†¦even on a personal basis, art is an enhancement of life. It makes you more deeply happy, it wears you out faster.† We are no longer responsible for our actions for we have found that which our life has been lived for, and there is no longer any reason to go on living when we know that we can never have that which our heart desires. Disease as a metaphor could also be examined through the characterization of Tadzio. Mann makes several references about the health of the boy himself. Is it that this artistic perfection of which he is the embodiment is something that is not natural? This question was not answered in this assessment of Death in Venice, although it is certainly another area for investigation. Bibliography 1. Mann, Thomas. Death in Venice. Dover Thrift Editions. 1995. NY. 2. Webster’s Dictionary, 1913 edition.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

The man to discover Alzheimer’s disease was Alois Alzheimer; he discovered it after a patient with an abnormal mental illness passed. Alzheimer’s, also known as AD, is named after Alois Alzheimer and is a continuing loss of brain function that affects thinking skills, such as forming or retrieving memories and judgment. I think that it took him so long to discover that it was a new disease because Alzheimer’s can be so subtle that only a drastic change in the view of the brain can show the outcome of the cells. This disease affects older people however it is not a normal part of aging. AD does not have a cure yet, scientists are however trying to find the root of the disease and control its destructive powers. Currently there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, scientists have also tried to increase the time for which the disease can fully take over the nerve cell connections, however that to cannot be achieved present-day, sometimes if the disease is caught early on it can be slowed down, but it is very rare. They are however developing treatments that may help with the symptoms. Out of about 7 billion people in the world, 300 million are American and the Alzheimer's Association states that, â€Å"More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease today† (Stone, â€Å"Genetics and Alzheimer's†). Alzheimer's disease is the source of the destruction or decline of brain cells or nerve cells. As a result of damaged nerve cells, the brain may have fewer bonds as compared to healthy brain cells. Amyloid plaques are outside the cell and are clusters of protein, Neurofibrillary tangles are proteins too, but they are inside the cell. It has not been confirmed on whether or not these protein clumps have any effect on Alzheimer’s or not, but they are ... ...e destructive as she aged. It advanced to the point of not remembering her grandchildren, or even sometimes her children. She seemed to be stuck in time, for example, the only person she could really remember was her husband who passed about 14 years ago, everyday she waited for this man that was never going to come back. I thought that it was unusual because she had only had it for 8 years so I didn’t understand how she couldn’t remember anybody before that. I wanted to be able to comprehend what was happening in her mind. Alzheimer’s affects the minds ability to function, and only worsens over time, to the point were you have to be cared for hourly. While there is not a cure for it, an interest by scientists sparks the desire to find one. The topic appealed to me because while it seems that Alzheimer’s doesn’t have much depth, it is actually a very complicated.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Separation of Church and State is Necessary for Freedom of Choice Essay

Separation of Church and State is Necessary for Freedom of Choice We in America have the right to be free, so why not listen to the words of Thomas Jefferson and build a â€Å"wall of separation between church and state?†Ã‚   The wall of separation was Jefferson’s interpretation of the first amendment; however, the idea was actually founder of Rhode Island Roger Williams’.   Jefferson’s belief was that religion was a personal relationship strictly between a man and his God and the government should not be allowed to restrict anyone from practicing their religion. With so many different religions in the United States, church and state must be separated to a certain extent because a close relationship between church and state puts constraints on the freedom of other religions. To begin with, creationism is a great example of an ongoing religious conflict which has caused a lot of discussion.   It is a lesson that all students should learn, whether in public school or private. The main concern is how teachers can teach creationism without crossing religious boundaries. Anderson addresses the importance of teaching creationism: Considerable care and effort are needed to help students understand the difference between the methodology of science, with its naturalistic operational assumptions, and the naturalism as a worldview. (Anderson 89)Schools should not neglect teaching creationism when students are able to benefit from being informed about both beliefs of evolution and creationism.   It is relevant as long as religious views are not infringed upon them.   Furthermore, school vouchers are unconstitutional and public funds should not be used to fund any kind of religious organization. Back in 1971 was the first time that the Sup... ...igious beliefs do affect the opinion of many voters. In conclusion, the separation of church and state remains a controversial issue. It is evident that church and state should be separate in some cases, such as in public schools and politics. Public schools are responsible for exposing students to diversity. Without the separation of church and state it would be practically impossible. Separation of church and state guarantees choice. Works Cited * Anderson, Ronald D. â€Å"Religion and Spirituality in the Public School Curriculum.† New York. Peter Lang Publishing. 2004. * Davis, Derek H. â€Å"The Separation of Church and State Defended.† Texas. 1995. * Doerr, Edd. â€Å"Gathering Storms.† The Humanist. Volume 64, number 6. Washington.American Humanist Association. November/December. 34-35. * Maddox, Robert L. â€Å"Separation of Church and State.† New York. 1987.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Police service Essay

What do you think the key role of the police service is and what skills do you bring to the service to execute that role? The key role of the police is to prevent criminal activity to occur in society. This is demonstrated through the use of detecting criminal behaviour, investigating crime and stopping individuals or groups that create a threat to others. Police enforce the law to provide safety and a sense of security. The key role of the police service is to maintain social order through the guidelines of legislations and government policies to enable a safe environment for society to live in. I think Police service requires officers to engage in other communities, treating them equally as any other. This is because it is essential for officers to develop a diverse sense of understanding for one’s culture and religion. Police are given powers to use discretion whilst performing their duties, this is a very important tool that allows officers to make decisions based on their own choice or knowledge and knowing another’s religion can help to use the tool of discretion effectively. An example can be seen through the religion Sikh, where some of the Sikh religious man may wear a small sword on them. This sword is not used for harm but it is just a religious belief for Sikhs. If police do not have any knowledge of the religion, then it is difficult for them to use discretion in a positive manner. One major skill that I would bring to the service is to develop a good understanding of other cultures to assist those who are struggling in the community. Australia is a very multicultural society the different in backgrounds in the police force allows for better communication with society because they know you have a better understanding of who they are which allows you to help them beyond just being a police officer. A key role of the police is to protect society by the use of police powers under the law enforcement powers and responsibilities act 2002 such as arrest. This police power allows the officer to arrest a person either based on suspicion or if one commits an offence. This is done through police investigation whereby police may patrol the streets via walking, driving, or riding a bicycle. Police investigate crimes such as break and enter, property theft, domestic violence, and malicious damage. By investigating and solving criminal offences in the community, the police are giving protection to others and  maintaining social order. The skill that would be used effectively to execute this role is to talk to the offender about the situation and using good negotiation skills, treating him with respect or use reasonable amount of force if necessary depending on the situation. Good negotiation skills may be extremely effective when resolving disputes between neighbours or family members. This skill is important in carrying out policing duties because if society is treated with respect, you will also be treated with respect. If officers do not have the power to arrest, it would be difficult for police to keep society safe from criminals and offenders as they may re-offend. A key role of the police is to be honest, respectful and a trustworthy person. This is important because you may need to work with officers you have never met before. For them to trust you it may be important to share information. At all times truth must be told, as police matters may result in court hearings, and it is only the truth that can distinguish between whether a person is innocent or guilty. In response to this I would behave with discipline and respect those who work around me, if someone is wrong show them the right path to follow. This is important because you are not only looked upon by your colleagues but also others as you may be a role model for others in society. An important key role for the police service is to enforce the law by following and keeping upto date with legislations. Legislations are used to assist those in society. Legislations allow us to understand the law and for the police service to fulfil the required duty as a police officer through following the procedures of acts and amendments.

Health Hazards in Nursing

Occupational Health Hazards in the Medical Field Kim Chastain AB TECH April 24, 2012 Abstract Medical personnel come into contact with a complex variety of deadly toxins. Contact comes from industrial cleaners, sterilization products, radiation, medications, and mercury. Side effects of these toxic materials are known to lead to a variety of cancers, miscarriages, asthma, birth defects and metabolic syndromes. Government agencies have been negligent in protecting healthcare workers from exposures to these materials.There has never been a government-funded study of these materials and their impact on health and the environment; however independent studies have shown higher rates of disease in healthcare professionals and their children. According to Environmental Working Group (2007), of the 82,000 chemicals in record only around one hundred and eighty have been tested. Thousands of pollutants can be found in any medical setting yet only six have government workplace safety standards. Exposure standards fall to individual facilities to regulate, and vary wildly depending on facility understanding of these toxins. Continued training is recommended when new chemicals and equipment are changed. Healthcare facilities should also be tested on a yearly basis to identify areas of contamination to the employee and patient. Keywords Toxin, hazards, occupational disease In 1970 President Nixon and Congress instituted OSHA to create a safe working environment and NIOSH (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) to research workplace hazards.While OSHA and NIOSH have clear guidelines for common biohazard procedures, almost nothing exists for chemical and toxin exposures. From doctors and nurses to janitors and mail delivery, anyone who comes into contact with these toxins is at risk. The nature of the nurse or doctors exposure is two fold; consumer contaminates from home and industrial contaminates from work. Illnesses reported by medical personnel range fro m chronic skin dermatitis and asthma to acute life threatening conditions; rare cancers, spontaneous abortions, metabolic syndromes and birth defects.The importance of studying the multigenerational human impact of these contaminates is not only to help the lives of the medical employee, but would result in helping to determine the effects on the population as well. Individuals that work in health care should be aware of workplace exposure to hazardous materials found in the medical industry to better protect themselves. While the government plays catch up with science individuals must be proactive in learning about the dangers and what they can do to make their workplace safer. Locating the DangerIt is no surprise that toxins can be found in a medical setting. What does surprise experts is that there are not more regulations and education on how to handle them. There is no question of the impact that these contaminates have on medical personnel and their families. Environmental Wor king Group (EWG) conducted a survey in 2007 to examine exposure and its effects regarding nurses. Fifteen hundred nurses were asked in a survey to list exposure to eleven common toxins found in a medical setting and health problems seen in their children and themselves. The data is staggering.Organizations around the world have conducted their own investigations into workplace exposure and have found the same results. The conclusion is a global pandemic of cancer, miscarriages and illness never before seen in any other workplace. Figure 1 (Environmental Working Group, 2007) An article by Carol Smith (2010) presents InvestigateWests examination into the regulations surrounding medication exposure regulations and chronicles the impact they pose by following the illness of pharmacist Sue Crump. Ms. Crump at the time of the interview was in the end stages of pancreatic cancer.Crump had spent 23 years working in the medical industry mixing chemo drugs. InvestigateWest found that no gover nment agency has any regulations on exposure to drugs; even those that OSHA has deemed as hazardous. OSHA defines hazardous drugs to knowingly cause cancer, birth defects and other illness. Thomas Conner, a researcher for the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has spent four decades studying chemo medications on personnel. He emphasizes that, â€Å"There is no other occupation population (that handles) so many known human carcinogens† (Lifesaving Drugs, Deadly Consequences, 2010, para. 1 ). Unlike the US, European countries have taken notice and placed stronger standards to protect its workers, and most have replaced most toxins with green chemicals. Two Danish studies have found â€Å"a significant increased risk of leukemia among oncology nurses and physicians† and extreme risks of multiple cancers for medical workers (A Silent Threat, 2010, para. 10). Concerned over the growing number of studies NIOSH issued an alert on the dangers of handling tox ic drugs; however they are only recommendations and OSHA has no intent on making them regulatory.According to the Environmental Working Groups Survey on Nurses (2007), starting with the Toxic Substance Control Act in 1976, â€Å"the EPA has not reviewed or even begun gathering safety data for more than eighty percent of the chemicals produced or imported in annual quantities exceeding ten thousand pounds† (The System is Broken, para. 4). This brings in to question the very nature of the agencies that have been put into place to protect its citizens. There seems to be no clear cut standard for how these government agencies handle the data and respond to the people or each other.While each one clearly knows and verifies the existence of the dangers they do nothing about it. Common Toxins Anesthetic Gas Anesthesia is commonly used in dental and surgical procedures. Gases escape can from facemasks, tubes and even regulating machines that were created to control exposure. Although NIOSH has recommended exposure limits for many gases used it is primarily to protect the worker during the procedure. These gases have been found to increase neurological issues, lowered fertility in men and women, miscarriage and higher rates of birth defects in children; articulalry neurological complications. Medications According to EWG, the FDA has approved close to six thousand medications. Even in trace amounts these medications can pose serious effects. No study has ever been conducted to examine the hazard of combining medications in humans. Some chemo drugs are capable of damaging DNA and are known cause certain types of rare cancer. Antiretroviral drugs used for HIV treatment are even more dangerous to a developing fetus. Unnecessary exposure to medication has been linked to everything from skin rashes, asthma, cancer, infertility, and birth defects.Latex and personal care products Latex is a common material used in gloves, catheters, and other plastics. Personal care it ems range from shampoo to shaving cream used by patients. Both were linked to asthma and allergies, ranging from mild reactions to life threatening anaphylaxes. Medical professionals have already been found to have to leave the job because of the seriousness of their allergies. Mercury containing devices Mercury can still be found in devices ranging from thermometers, blood pressure cuffs to non-medical devices, such as batteries and thermostats.It is known to be extremely toxic to the brain and nervous system. Neurological disorders have been found to be higher in medical personnel than other occupations. Children born to nurses exposed during pregnancy have higher degrees of developmental delays and central nervous system diseases. Radiation Radiation can be found in medications and used in life saving medical devices. Imaging machines, such as MRI and CAT scans, have been shown to emit radiation even when protections are in place. Radiation exposure has been proven to cause an in creased rate of miscarriage, cancer and birth defects. SterilizationEthylene oxide & Glutaraldehyde are chemicals used to sterilize anything that cannot be sterilized by steam. Whether the exposure was from the liquid form or spread through evaporation it has been linked allergies, anemia and severe migraines. Recommendations Although many of these contaminates are needed, immediate action should be taken place to insure the health of everyone who works near them. Rigorous standards for the handling of and the exposure to toxins; updated and complete profiles for chemicals and their affects on health and the environment; and investigations on healthcare personnel and their children’s lifespans.Education should be as fast paced as chemical production. Healthcare facilities should have mandatory guidelines for replacing hazards with green alternatives when available and only extensively trained personnel allowed to handle them. Conclusions Since the inception of control and reg ulation of toxins and chemicals the government has banned production of only one chemical, and set very few exposure standards for personnel that are exposed to them. Its apparent in the data that what’s being done currently is not working.No other workforce has been asked not only to risk their lives but the lives of their children as well. Bringing to mind the aftermath of 9/11, when the nation watched as military, medical personnel, police, FEMA, and firemen ran to act. Only this time no one seems to be watching. Families of medical workers, like Sue Crumb, have been left to wonder why nothing has been done. It has been reported that the nursing shortage is over but is expected to reemerge again by 2020 as the largest employed group of nurses retire.If the healthcare industry continues to be a hazard to its staff one could only assume that the shortage will become worse. No one can deny that the current burden on the healthcare system is extreme. When our health care profe ssionals begin to get sick the burden will become greater. By stepping forward now, patient and health professional together, perhaps we can save generations of lives from needless loss. References Brody, J. M. (2007). Improving Disclosure and Consent: â€Å"Is It Safe? † New Ethics for Reporting Personal Exposures to Environmental Chemicals.American Journal Of Public Health, 97(9), 1547. Cooney, C. M. (2003). CDC pegs human exposures to chemicals. Environmental Science & Technology, 37(9), 168A. Toxic Americans. (2003). Ecologist, 33(3), 7. Environmental Working Group. (2007). A Survey on Health and Chemical Exposures. Retrieved from http://www. ewg. org/reports/nursesurvey US Government Accounting Office. (2005) Chemical Regulation: Options Exist to Improve EPA’s Ability to Assess Health Risk and Manage Its Chemical Review Program. [PDF]. Retrieved from http://www. noharm. rg/lib/downloads/chemicals/GAO_Chemical%20Regulation_Rpt. pdf United States Department Of Labor . (2012). Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA). Retrieved from http://www. osha. gov/ Centers for Disease Control. (2012). The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/niosh/about. html Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (1976). International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Part III, Article 6-7) Retrieved from http://www2. ohchr. rg/english/law/cescr. htm Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. (2012). Minimal Risk Levels (MELs) for Hazardous Substances. Retrieved from http://www. atsdr. cdc. gov/mrls/mrllist. asp United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). (2009) About the GHS. Retrieved from http://www. unece. org/trans/danger/publi/ghs/ghs_welcome_e. html United States Department of Labor (2012) OSHA Hazard Communication (GHS). Retrieved from http://www. osha. gov/dsg/hazcom/index. html Michaels, D. (2012, March 12) OHSA Revised Hazard Commun ication Standard. Video] Retrieved from http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=uhxp-X6Eqts&context=C4afdff5ADvjVQa1PpcFOfmWo3rcGP16a3ScZVMdv1fYTB5eM1EqQ= US Food and Drug Association (Producer). (2008, January 17). Hazards from Using Cleaners on Medical Equipment. [Video] Retrieved from http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=_zE124CbUuM Smith, C. (2010, July 9). Lifesaving Drugs, Deadly Consequences. Retrieved from http://invw. org/chemo-main Smith, C. (2010, July 10). US Lags Behind on Worker Safeguards. Retrieved from http://seattletimes. nwsource. com/html/localnews/2012327672_chemoosha11. html

Sunday, September 15, 2019

History of immigration

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tots to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! † Do our immigration policies still honor the words written by Emma Lazarus in 1883 on the base of the Statue of Liberty, and if so, what impact do they have on our economy?The issue of whether our economy is impacted negativity or positively by undocumented workers and what should be done about It Is a widely debated topic in this country right now and reported about on every form of media (news, print, social) available on a dally basis. The Issue of undocumented Immigration Is Important; It concerns fundamental, moral and economic questions about how we deal with Immigration In our country. Various arguments have been presented about this issue.We will consider the argument from people who feel the undocumented workers negatively affect the economy, why those views are flawed, review the evolution of imm igration along with immigration policies and what are in effect presently, what policies would promote change regarding immigration, as well as how we can build a bridge between the two arguments. I will then put forward suggestions for the introduction of ways in which we can begin the changes in policy to best suit both sides of the argument. It has been argued that undocumented workers drain the economy and Just benefit a few businesses at the expense of Americans citizens.An article written by Steven Amalgam, published in the City Journal summer 2006, supports the belief : â€Å"unskilled, undocumented workers benefit a handful of Industries by getting low cost labor, and the taxpayers foot the bill. † In other words, undocumented workers and their illegal families are a drain on our economy. It is claimed that they send every penny they earn to their country of origin, use public services they are not entitled to, perform menial labor, do not pay taxes and their children abuse the right to public services and education.However, as the pamphlet by Neighborhood center states: † in fact there is no question as to the importance of the buying power of undocumented immigrants. The real predictor of wage disparity is not whether someone is an immigrant (regardless of status), it is lack of education. Foreign-born entrepreneurs with startups businesses have been behind 25 percent of these businesses in this country. Three quarters of the undocumented Immigrants pay payroll taxes and they contribute $7 billion In Social Security funds annually without the ability to collect Social Security.While the majority of the children of undocumented Immigrants are born here legally and are eligible to public services and education, their parents for fear of deportation are negative impact on the economy is Just a myth; there is a net benefit to the nation's total economic output raising it by a reported $21. 5 billion per year (USA Today). In addition, accordi ng to a study by the investment research company, Standard & Poor's, â€Å"the cost of providing services to undocumented workers is largely offset by the economic benefits they generate. We can see why if you look at the economic effect on the country without researching your views toughly, on the surface you may be able to put together a shaky argument, but after researching the facts you do see that undocumented workers actually boost our economy, as we see in Gordon H. Hansom's, The Economics and Policy report of illegal immigration in the United States; â€Å"the current regime of illegal immigration, despite its faults, has been efficiently beneficial to US employers that they are doubtful about the capacity of Congress to improve the situation and therefore unwilling to take the political risk of supporting reform.The collected taxes impact our economy now while baby boomers are starting to collect their Social Security benefits they boost the system by the unconvertible fu nds of undocumented workers. † Before we can understand how we arrived at the present immigration policies here in America, we must look back at the evolution of immigration and immigration policy from the 1600 to present time. Our long economic history in America has been shaped by the groups of immigrants that have settled here, what contributions to the economy they brought with them and how the immigration policy changed in response to the influx of each group of immigrants.We will start our review looking at a few immigration groups, the changes made to our immigration policies starting with the English Settlers with traders and their contributions to the economy to present day influx of Middle Eastern and Latin origin immigrants benefiting our economy with access to low cost and back breaking labor. In the 1600 hundreds the traders that were brought by the English settlers not only brought the spices and hard goods to trade, they brought slave labor for trading as well.T his group, African slaves would grow quickly to 20 percent of the population providing cheap labor, and since they were considered property, they were not allowed to be naturalized till 1870. Many different groups came and made contributions to the economy of cheap labor with their meat processing skills, work ethic and willingness to take on highly dangerous back breaking Jobs. With each new group the policy changed; the first immigration law enacted in 1790 (after nearly a century of unregulated immigration and massive economic growth) began defining and restricting citizenship to the United States.The act of 1790 was revised, further restricting and adding requirements for obtaining citizenship. The Asian immigrants experienced a similar exclusionary period as did the Africans; they were allowed to live in the US but were not allowed to become citizens until 1943 when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was repealed. President Ronald Reagan was instrumental in bringing forth the Im migration Reform and Control Act of 1986.Many revisions have been made to the immigration laws, but t was never as publicized as after September 1 1, 2001 when fear of Terrorism brought the need for reform so we can exclude individuals suspected to be terrorists. Presently the immigration laws are not an easy path to becoming legal and are not family friendly because they separate parents from their American born children Just life. â€Å"America's immigration system is outdated, unsuited to the needs of our economy and to the values of our country.We should not be content with laws that punish hardworking people and deny businesses willing workers and invite chaos at our borders. † George W. Bush, February 2, 2005. George w. Bush and Barack Obama did not agree on many things, but â€Å"They share a belief that the high levels of illegal immigration are an indication of the current policy being broken, and that immigrants by and large make a positive contribution to America. â€Å"We need immigration reform that will secure our borders, and†¦.. That finally brings 12 million people who are here illegally out of the shadows†¦We must assert our values and reconcile our principles as a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. † Barack Obama, June 28, 2008. Two Presidents, from two different political parties, with very efferent political views share the same view that our immigration system is broken. What changes should be made to the immigration policy here in America? How will those changes affect the economy? What is the moral impact on families? These are questions which divide many; philosophers, labor unions, political parties, the people within political parties, the people in nail salons and Americans in general.Peter Brooklime (1999), a political philosopher, a ND supporter of placing restrictions on immigration that would all but end immigration to this country, believes the current immigration policies second guess the Ameri can people and Jeopardize our nation. Brimless beliefs historically were supported by Labor unions and their leaders, yet even these groups are realizing that the number of immigrant union members has been rapidly increasing (Migration Policy institute 2004) and if they do not begin to embrace the immigrants a large number of their membership base will disappear and possibly their existence as well.To the other extreme, Walter Block argues â€Å"like tariffs and exchange controls, migration barriers of whatever type are egregious locations of laissez-flare capitalism† (Block 1998; 168). The Democratic Party says they support â€Å"immigration reform† and point fingers at the Republican Party for not having it done yet. Ironically, a Republican President supported and pushed for the most encompassing reform possible â€Å"Amnesty in 1996†. We need to arrive at a compromise of the two schools of thought.Yes we do have to protect ourselves from terrorists and crimi nals, but not at the cost of our crops not being picked or produce being too high to purchase, our manicures and pedicures getting out of control price sis or our restaurants having to raise prices so high only the rich could afford to eat out. We need to also morally take into consideration families. Why should I, a second generation American( paternal side of my family) and a multi generation American( on the maternal side of my family), with children who are first generation Americans be denied my late mother in law to visit and stay with us as long as is mutually agreed upon.The Consulate in Ecuador at first denied us a visa for my Mother in Law. I had to fight for my rights as an American to bring her home with me. They only gave her a 3 month visa. I also had to close my eyes after the three month visa expired to her being illegally in America. So America's immigration policy made this grandmother a criminal. While we ponder on what to do about immigration we must control ours elves from falling subject to xenophobia, misconceptions and political rhetoric.We do need to continue with researching the brings forth in their applications to come to America or that are here presently â€Å"illegally'. The paperwork involved should not be so difficult that we only further the economy by creating further Jobs in the immigration law field. If you have family here already and have been contributing to our economy through your hard work, contributing to our economy through your spending power and good civic behavior, why should you have a difficult path to legalization?Simplify paperwork, intensify background checks of those applying and their family members here and in their country of origin, require medical examination and community service components in the legalization path. Allow those that are here to pay a nominal fee, submit simple applications to change their immigration status from illegal to in process of globalization and come out of the shadows. This will really protect our borders by knowing who is here amongst us.Willingness to do good works for the many non- profit organizations that exist should be much more important than your financial resources in your country of origin in any path to legalization. Policy should be put in place allowing immigrants here to move from â€Å"illegal† to citizen in a reasonable amount of time with the before mentioned components built in so we can weed out the criminals not willing to live by our laws and contribute to our society and support he growth of our country, while rewarding the immigrants that with their diversity and civic responsibility add to the strength of our country.These policies would improve the type of applicant, reduce need for expense of immigration lawyers, and reduce the need to spend on expensive man power in INS offices, and embassies, move the emphases on skilled, community minded, productive, family oriented immigrants willing to pay their taxes and contribu te to diversity and economic growth of our wonderful country. We need to build a bridge between the main two arguments of public safety nickering terrorists and Jeopardizing our economy, as well as moral fiber with policies that will have protections of the many while also representing the fiber that made our country what it is.Allowing the right wing to impose restrictions on immigration based on fear is not in the best interest of our country. In conclusion, we are a nation of immigrants. The only Americans that truly belong here is those with Native American Indian ancestry. The rest of the American population is either descendents of immigrants or immigrants themselves; some by choice and others forced to migrate due to refugee, slavery etc. Our Country was made by immigrants, and this is a supporting case point to continue allowing immigration at a fairly high level.