Saturday, August 31, 2019

History and Comparison of Windows, Linux, and Apple Essay

An operating system is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources. Most operating systems perform similar functions that include starting and shutting down a computer, providing a user interface, managing programs, managing memory, coordinating tasks, configuring devices, establishing an Internet connection, monitoring performance, providing file management and other utilities, and automatically updating itself and certain utility programs (Shelly p. 398). There are three major operating systems that exist today that are going to be compared to decide which operating system could be best for different user purposes. The three operating systems are Windows, Linux, and Apple. Windows operating system is developed and maintained by Microsoft in Seattle, WA. The Microsoft Company was developed by Bill Gates. The first version of the Windows operating system was released in 1985, and has been the leading operating system used by 90% of users (Satyam). It is used by the Server 2008 R2 (Satyam). Windows is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) which allows its users to manage files and run software programs easily on desktop and laptop computers (Satyam). On the desktop, icons are used to represent programs that are easy to find and can be clicked to easily access and run the program of choice. Windows is also very popular because of its user interface programs such as Microsoft Office, which include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, and Microsoft Office Outlook. Windows also has a great reputation for its high and efficient security. Some popular Windows editions are Win 98, Win 2000, Win Me, Windows NT, Windows CE, Win 2003, Win XP, Win Vista and Windows 7 ( Satyam). Windows 8 is now the new successor of Windows 7 and is now available. Linux (Linus’ Unix) is a leading server operating system, and is used for running the top 10 fastest supercomputers in the world (Satyam). Linus Torwalds created Linux, and is the current owner of the Linux Trademark (Satyam). LIndows, Lycoris, Red Hat, SuSe, Mandrake, Knopping, Slackware are the various companies that distribute the Linux operating system (Satyam). NASlite is a version of the Linux operating system that runs off of a single floppy disk and converts an old computer into a file server (Satyam). Some popular versions of Linux include Debian, Fedora, and Red Hat. This operating system is ranked just below Windows operating system, but is quickly becoming popular and is predicted to give future Windows some tough competition. Since 1984, Mac OS 9 had been Apple’s primary operating system, but has been recently succeeded by Mac OS X. Mac OS X is a sequence of Unix-based operating systems and GUI’s developed, marketed and sold by Apple (Satyam). Mac OS X is user friendly, and is popular for its plug-and-play support, which means the operating system automatically configures new devices as they are installed (Shelly p. 408). As stated in the beginning of this paper, Windows, Linux, and Apple are the three most popular operating systems with Windows as the most popular of the three with 85% to 90% of personal computers using this operating system (Satyam). Compared to Windows, Mac is used by fewer people, but is more reliable and less likely to fail than Windows OS because of Mac regularly monitoring and the software and hardware add-ons. Linux is the least popular of the three and is based on UNIX, which has been used for more than three decades that now powers about 90% of Web sites (Satyam). Compared to both Mac and Windows, Linux is an open source project, meaning anyone can modify the Linux Code (Satyam). Linux offers great security and flexibility compared to Windows and Mac, but it takes a great deal of knowledge to install and operate the Linux operating system. Linux is also very much less expensive or even free compared to Windows operating system. When using a server, Linux is much cheaper compared to Windows because Microsoft only allows only a single copy to be used on one computer. However, once Linux is purchased, it can be used on any number of computers at no additional charge (Satyam). Windows can make it difficult for users to store user information and settings and switch to a new computer, but Linux stores the user’s data in the home directory, making it easier to transfer from an old to a new computer (Satyam). In conclusion, Linux is much more secure, reliable, flexible, and more cost efficient than Windows or Mac, but much more difficult to install, understand and operate, it is ideal for industry sectors. Windows and Mac operating systems are much easier for personal use and require less knowledge than Linux operating system. Windows and Mac, however, are more expensive, but are more widely used than Linux, with Windows leading the three in popularity. References Shelly, G. B., & Vermaat, M. E. (2011). Discovering Computers 2011: Living in a Digital World, Complete (pp. 398-408). Boston, MA: Course Technology, Cengage Learning. Satyam. (2011, June 29). Windows, Linux or Mac OS A Comparison. In HackDigital. Retrieved September 26, 2012, from Google.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Alpine Ecosystem

Australian History Glossary: Australia in the Vietnam War Era Subject Specific Terminology Place the following terms next to their correct definition in the table below: Democracy, Robert Menzies, Domino Theory, Arms Race, ANZUS Pact, Capitalism, Ho Chi Minh, Moratorium, Communism, Soviet Union, Viet Cong, SEATO, Indochina, Propaganda, Vietnamisation, Edward ‘Gough’ Whitlam, Political Asylum, Defoliant, Viet Minh, ‘Reds under the bed’, Lyndon B. Johnson, Guerrilla Warfare, Cold War, Conscientious Objector, Veteran Pacifists, Conscription, the Petrov Affair,Term Definition | Australia’s longest serving Prime Minister. He was in office for 17 years and represented the liberal party| | Anti communist alliance formed between Australia, New Zealand and the United States in 1951. | | Refers to Australia’s fear of Communism. Australians were scared because many of the countries in South East Asia were becoming Communist and that meant that we could fa ce problems in the future. Some people were even worried that Australia could become a Communist country, with some Australians joining communist parties. | A political issue involving Communist Russian spies in Australia. In 1954, Vladimir Petrov, a Russian diplomat gave himself up as a spy and asked if he could live in Australia if he promised to give up the names of other Russian Spies living here. His wife, Evdokia, was not given the same treatment and was forced to return to Russia with Russian police (KGB). | | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which was a group of Communist countries led by Russia. | | A system of government in which there is free and equal participation by the people in the political decision making process. | The collective name given for the former French colonies of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. It is located on a peninsular between India and China. | | Economic system in which businesses are privately owned and operated for profit. | | South-East Asia Tr eaty Organisation, the anti communist treaty linking the US, Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines and Thailand from 1954. It was dissolved in 1974. | | Economic system in which, in theory, wealth is shared equally and the means of production, distribution, and exchange are commonly shared. | Conflict between the communist led East, led by the Soviet Union, and the non-communist West led by the USA, after 1945. | | Australian Prime Minister who withdrew Australian troops from the Vietnam War. He was in office from 1972-1975 and represented the Australian Labor Party. | | Person who refuses to fight on moral or ethical grounds. | | The forcible enlistment of men into the armed forces| | Anti Vietnam War protest in which the people stopped work to voice their disapproval against the war. | | A chemical that causes leaves to fall off trees. It was used by the USA in bombing campaigns in the Vietnam War. | Protection granted to an individual who defects from one country to another. | | Information spread to persuade the audience to believe a particular point of view of action. | | Enlisted people who had served in Vietnam but returned with anti-war views. | | The belief of non-communist nations that if South Vietnam fell to Communism so to would vulnerable nations in south east Asia. | | Small scale hit and run warfare by mobile groups who ambush their enemy using limited technology. This was used extremely effectively by the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War. | South Vietnamese communist sympathisers fighting the USA, its allies and the South Vietnamese Army in the Vietnam War. | | An American policy of gradually withdrawing troops from the Vietnam War. | | Leader of the Viet Minh. He died in 1969, six years before the fall of Saigon (now known as Ho Chi Minh City. | | Communist led national liberation movement. Based in North Vietnam, it was formed in 1941 to fight for Vietnam’s independence. | | Competition between nations in the building up of military resources. | | President of USA during the Vietnam War. He visited Australia in 1966 and the phrase â€Å"All the way with LBJ† was coined. |

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Belonging Speech Essay

Belonging? What does it mean to you? And what are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it? As the human need to belong often overtakes us and disregards morals and values in order to do what we crave so badly and connect with those around us. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible the desire to belong has over-ridden every other thought the human mind could possibly have. As Miller examines the results when individuals neglect their beliefs and are pushed to the edges of absolute exclusion and disconnection. Whereas in Gabrielle Carey and Kathy Lette’s novel Puberty Blues it is clear that two best friends are willing to turn a blind eye to their own personal morals and beliefs in order to create a popular social status for themselves and conform to the â€Å"Greenhill Gang†. And again Will Hunting unearthed a new person beneath the mean, unlovable and lonely boy in Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s Good Will Hunting, by simply making an unbreakable connection with Sean Macquire. The town of Salem is experiencing upheaval by the possible thought of witchcraft, characters are becoming so desperate that they are willing to give the â€Å"dogs the lie they want†. It is an instinct for self-survival that people will change their views on the world around them in order to connect and strengthen the power or position they hold in their society. Danforth is a character who does exactly this, and changes his mind to suit his own priorities of becoming a â€Å"Boston Judge†. He is a man capable of deciding ones fate by so called â€Å"ridding Salem of Satan†, and individually hanging those who refuse to give him the confession he wants such as Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey and the Crucible himself John Proctor. These three particular people are greatly respected in the Salem community until the beautiful, attention seeking 17 year old known as Abigail Williams causes the uproar that the devil is in Salem. Young Abigail is an independent, free thinking woman who has had a troubled upbringing, as she was orphaned and belonged to no family in particular after she watched her parents get slaughtered. Both Abigail and Will Hunting have a connection, as they are both orphans, have had troubled upbringing and never felt like they have truly belonged anywhere. For a long while, Proctor strode around Salem as if his marriage was fine and he had never once committed a sin, a crime, though this was not true, as he had turned his head from his ill wife Elizabeth to the alpha female, Abigail. And he was frowned upon by Hale when he could recite only 9 of the 10 commandments, needing Elizabeth to correct him with just two words â€Å"Adultery, John†. Though he soon discovered that he did not belong to Abigail because â€Å"the promise a stallion gives a mare† is the promise he gave that girl. Between John and Abigail the only connection was lust, and it never lasted. John and Elizabeth were more than just a stallion and a mare; they were a true connection and promise. He became a better husband once committing adultery as he put it behind him and swore â€Å"I will cut off my hand before I will ever reach for you again. We never touched Abby†, which expresses that he would do anything to keep his marriage with Elizabeth alive. Abigail’s promiscuity is also apparent in Puberty Blues, as the two main characters Sue and Debbie are beginning to discover their own sexuality through their conformity with the â€Å"Greenhill Gang†. Belonging to the â€Å"Greenhill Gang’ means everything to the girls, because if they are not a part of it they are downgraded with comments such as â€Å"Rack off ya moll† but once they are accepted, they soon realise that their power has been taken from them and they no longer have opinions and must do exactly what the boys say. The girls must decide where the line is and how far they can step over it when it comes to their sexual relations with the boys, as this gives them the power they were looking for but also neglects their values and morals. Will Hunting however isn’t worried about his sexual relationships; he is worried about letting people into his life, after dealing with abusive foster parents his entire life. He is torn between his unintelligent work mates, the industrial wasteland and the university. Sean Macquire the physiatrist is a man that turns Will Hunting’s life upside down, the moment he first meets him. They make an unbreakable connection by sharing stories and opening up with each other. These sessions that Will spend with Sean, make him soon realise that he does belong and he is loveable though he still â€Å"has to go see about a girl†. Sean was a big part of Will’s life because if they hadn’t met, Will may have completely wasted his life and alienated himself from others. Both Will Hunting and John Proctor cross paths with their belonging issues, as they are unsure of themselves and who they truly belong to. But once their eyes have been opened they realise where it is they should belong. And that is to themselves, not their friends or wives, themselves. As Procter discovers his true meaning of his life, he yells with all his might â€Å"It is my name and I cannot have another in my life†¦.. Leave me my name! This is where he â€Å"has his goodness† and no one, not even Elizabeth could possibly take it from him. So yes, belonging is an instinct for self-survival and is triggered by a sense of alienation. In all my three texts, it is clear that John Proctor, Will Hunting, Sue and Debbie all experience a need to belong. And at first they all disregard their morals and values and are unable to order their priorities, but in the long run they discover that neglecting their personal morals and values is too much of a price to pay to just belong. So again I will ask you, what are you willing to sacrifice?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ethics and Law in Business and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethics and Law in Business and Society - Essay Example In this stage of moral development, the individuals engage in actions of retaliation, vengeance. These actions are filtered by the individuals according to the level of satisfaction desired by the individual. For example, if one scratches somebody’s skin, there is supposed to be an act of retaliation. The third stage of moral development demands the conformation from the society on the good behaviors and approval of not engaging into bad behavior. This stage of confirmation leads to moral development for which the individuals would be ready to co-operate with other members of the society and engage in self sacrifices. For, the individuals engage in providing personal favor to other people for want of social confirmation. The fourth stage of moral development identifies conformity to the law and order. Most of the individuals reach this stage after showing due respect to the judiciary and the maintenance of social order. For example, the law and order in the society leads to th e prevention of crime and enhances the path of justice. This influences the right behavior among the individuals of society. The fifth stage of moral development leads the individuals to the path of restoration of human rights as a social contract (Gibbs 89). These are rights that the individual demands in the social conditions of existence. For example, right to speech and opinion is a human right that is conferred by the society on the individuals. The sixth stage of moral development leads individuals to realize the importance universal ethical principles. In this stage, the human beings spread the message of equality, moral and ethical values and the duties of being the followers of God. For example, Mohandas Gandhi reached the sixth stage of moral development and spread the message of Ahimsa. Answer 1 b The model of Kohlberg can be applied to corporate culture which could lead to ethical behavior of the managers. The managers could learn the importance of the various stages and apply the knowledge to trigger actions expected from the employees through moral development. The sense of punishment in the corporate culture would allow the managers to enforce urgent decision for benefits of the company. The work culture could be made healthier with the sense of interpersonal communication and approval among the employees. The sense of social conformity and ethical principles could be addressed by manager to implement better code of conduct in the corporate environment that is required to develop a responsible work force. Answer 1 c The main objective of business is not only to earn profits but to earn the profits in an ethical ay and perform the social responsibilities. However, relativism exists in the work culture where policies of business ethics are undertaken by the corporate houses. However, despite the practices of business ethics for building a good image in the society has flaws in the fact that these practices of ethics are often influenced by the man agers. This has led to the development of frauds and misreported figures. Thus personal interest should be curved and organizational interests would need to be given foremost importance for genuinely incorporating business ethics in the work culture. Answer 2 a As viewed by Aristotle, Kant, the philosopher’s approach to ethics might help in doing things in the right way. The principles of ethics define the set of actions that are

Philosophy of Love and Desire Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Philosophy of Love and Desire - Assignment Example A relationship simply cannot count as love if the two people involved are not physically and emotionally compatible with each other. Sufficient Condition: Two people are said to be in love if they are taken by a strong feeling that they simply cannot live without each other. That is if two people are possessed by a strong feeling that they cannot live without each other, than it is sufficient to establish that the two people are in love with each other. Socratic Definition of Love: Love may be defined as a relationship in which the two people are physically and emotionally compatible with each other and are possessed by a strong feeling that they simply cannot live without each other. If the two people in love are not physically and emotionally compatible with each other than they are not in love. Similarly if the two people in a relationship can do without each other than they are not in love. These two criteria are sufficient two include within their ambit a range of love relations hips. Section B First Objection to the Definition of Love: In many Asian and African cultures, there is a tradition of arranged marriage in which the two people are made to marry each other in consonance with the desires of their families and communities and many of these individuals though not being physically and emotionally compatible and being able to live without each other, still manage to fall in love with each other. Then it could be said that the marital relationship between these two people is sans love, though for discernible purposes they may be taken to be in love with each other. Defense of the Definition: There is no denying the fact that emotional and physical compatibility and a strong sense that the two people cannot do without each other in a relationships tend to be two necessary and sufficient conditions for love. In some cultures as in the Western culture the two people involved in a love relationship are able to or allowed to establish their emotional and phys ical compatibility before marriage and are allowed to verify as to whether they can do without each other before marriage, so as to assure that they are in love with each other. There are other cultures as in the above mentioned objection where the two people are married as per the familial and social wishes and it is after marriage that the two people tend to discover their emotional and physical compatibility and a sense of belonging to each other. Thereby the two people in an arranged marriage can also fall in love with each other and are required to fulfill the before mentioned necessary an sufficient conditions to establish that they are in love. Thereby, an arranged marriage does not make an exception. Second Objection to the Definition of Love: What about the relationship between a prostitute and her customer, this relationship could be deemed to be love as it satisfies both the necessary and sufficient conditions for love. A prostitute and her customer are physically and emo tionally compatible. That is why they are able to make love to each other. They also cannot do without each other. A prostitute cannot do without her client as she draws her sustenance from him. The client also cannot do without the prostitute for that is why he agrees to pay her to make love to her. This is indeed a love relationship as it satisfies the above mentioned definition of love. Defense of the Definition: The relationship be

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Organizations' strategies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizations' strategies - Assignment Example This paper presents a case study exploration of the elements of real organizational change interventions based on the context of the six key qualities of a good leader. It provides an analysis of how leadership and management can influence the occurrence of â€Å"resistance to change† through creating authentic and open lines of communication within today’s complex organizations (Gardner, 2006). The case study focuses on today’s aggressive banking industry, exploring the leadership competencies Main Street Bank has demonstrated in its efforts to remain prosperous in a volatile and continually changing external environment. While customers are constantly reevaluating how to handle the economic challenges and opportunities in their lives, banks are evaluating new ways they can provide better support and services for their customers and communities. This situation has created a necessity to think about reorganizing the organizations’ structure and assess the need to effect changes in strategies and design approaches. This paper explores the steps followed at each level by organizations to implement these changes to address customer concerns effectively and preserve vision while keeping an excellent relationship with followers. Main Street Bank asked thousands of their customers what they wanted in a bank account. The answer was, â€Å"Simplicity† through open and transparent rules, accounts with no surprises or unreasonable fees, and products in which they understand the true value. This prompted the institution to make changes by giving its customers a review that shifts their thoughts using real changes that influence their thinking. (Kotter & Cohen, 2002). In this scenario, the bank was able to maintain consistency with its vision, pay attention to customers and employees, admit mistakes, and make suitable decisions while displaying a good understanding of the business and integrity. The bank demonstrated both ability to liste n to customers by conducting a research in which they presented their customers with several sets of product choices, with different combinations of features, benefits, price points, and ways to earn out of fees. The findings of the research indicated that customers do not need a long list of account benefits alone; instead they want straightforward account features where they see the true value, such as identity theft protection. Main Street Bank also found out that customers are willing to pay for the convenience of banking with a bank offering online bill payment, mobile banking and an extensive ATM and branch network. Customers preferred a single up-front monthly fee rather than separate per-usage fees and wanted the ability to earn out of fees in various ways. The input from the customers was able to show â€Å"others the need for change with a compelling object that they can actually see, touch, and feel† (Kotter & Cohen, 2002). The decisive quality of a good leader is display by Main Street Bank through the decisions it took to address customer needs. First, the bank decided to simplify the fee structure by eliminating the daily overdraft fees and â€Å"per-transaction† fees for excessive withdrawals from a savings account. It also created a lineup of core checking and savings accounts that include basic, clear monthly service charges, with opportunities to reduce or waive the service charge based on a customer’s direct deposit, minimum monthly balance, and overall relationship with the bank. This was meant to capture the full range of their customers’ banking needs and enable them choose what is right for them. These decisions display good understanding of the business which is another key quality of a good leader. The way the business operates also shows understanding of

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Usage of Made In for the Segmented Products Essay

The Usage of Made In for the Segmented Products - Essay Example The command of the market has been linked to the efficiency of the product and the considered aspect of the economy. Such allows for the consideration of advanced technology and improvement in the economics of the cost towards the address of the rivals under practice. The superiority among the rivals allows for the conceptualization of the eventual ability they extend in the considered domination, as well as in the out-positioning of inferior products. The stationing of different arms of production under geographical distinctions allows for the reflection of the challenge they stand to offer with respect to the perspective concept of state recognition. Apparently, goods desire to be recognized alongside the state of origin. However, the inclusion of different states or countries in the process of production only assists in the complication of the entire acknowledgment process. Such allows for the reflection of the immediate challenges that may be related to the shipping of products with a source complication (Scheve, 2002). Various approaches have been considered to be associated with the eventual process of development and allocation of the â€Å"made in† tag. Allowing a state to consider a product to be manufactured in its territory allows for the improvement in its global perception of technology. However, the producing authority may not have had a comprehensive manner upon which the process of filing of the respective descriptions of rights and protocols are advised. Instead, there exists a line of acknowledgment with respect to the role plaid by the involved country (Tanzi, 2002)

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Quest for Power or Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Quest for Power or Control - Essay Example Conforming to the observations by these authors we are now in the formative period where there is great respect for the worker as an important stakeholder and is greatly empowered. This has motivated the worker to greater outputs and closer ties with his organization. The culture of the company has become the cornerstone of judging the governance level of the company. Performance of the company is now tied with the performance of its workers. This human capital is now considered as the prime source of competitiveness. A new wave of bonhomie has pervaded the corporate world and with the onset of globalization and multi-cultural workforce, companies are vying with each other to ensure that this normative pattern is not only maintained but enhanced. The technology was always the driver of change. New Internet-based technologies not only produced the knowledge worker but also introduced the concept of virtual offices and remote workers. Control got diluted and the operational normative pattern has been disrupted. Rationalism too has no role in the current environment as the worker is no longer bound by geography. Today output has become the sole criteria for judging performance. All other system factors like discipline, culture, work rules, and others have become worthless. Both rational and normative theories have to be replaced by a new paradigm that has emerged out of them. A new culture is being evolved with the interactive web which is a common platform being used by all stakeholders and there is free interaction between all of them, including the final consumer. The new order comprises of flexibility, adaptability, and responsiveness; the result is action-oriented produced by high-skilled workers.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Managing Organizational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Managing Organizational Change - Essay Example It would allow me to take decisions that are conclusive and have a far reaching impact on the domains of the organization in the long run. The individual information would only help the cause of the people on their respective levels while the group related information is handier and has a much more meaningful proposition. The best source of getting this information would be through the media as well as the organization’s own channels which would facilitate in its long term image building and establishing of ties with its local publics (Thomas 2005). The media choices would be in the form of television, the print and the outdoors which will greatly speed up the organizational change elements that have come to the fore. The worst way of getting this information is through the same media though in a negatively publicized way which will not prove to be a helpful agent in essence. As a manager of change, I will use these insights to shape up my ideology of my organization’s future media communications strategy as I would have gained solid know-how of how things are managed on an organizational level and how these are tackled in the wake of impending issues. References Thomas, S (2005). Successfully Managing Change in Organizations

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Story of G.I. Joe Film (1945) Thesis Paper Movie Review

The Story of G.I. Joe Film (1945) Thesis Paper - Movie Review Example Pyle (played convincingly by Burgess Meredith) is the embedded journalist within this Company. But the shared habiting space makes it a personal experience for Pyle and to this extent his journalism takes on a humanitarian hue as opposed to being merely patriotic. This essay will argue that, of the numerous merits attached to the film, it’s showcasing of the bold, humane and forthright journalism of the legendary Ernie Pyle is not only its standout feature but also accounts for its enduring appeal. True to the journalistic ethic of accuracy and balance, the film makes no attempt to ‘manufacture’ heroism in the war setting. Instead, it fits the narrative to Pyle’s reportage, which includes unsavory and un-heroic aspects of the Second World War. True to this theme, â€Å"Pyle was later killed in a foxhole on a remote Pacific island as he pursued his career of covering the troops after victory was won in Europe. Pyle wrote of the common "dogfaces," not the br ass hats. He is a hero who should be known to every journalism student.† (Booker, 1999, p.14) But a cursory look at the state of embedded journalism today (most visibly in the War on Terror operations) betrays the falling standards of journalism in America. Today the reporter comes across as a biased stakeholder in the side he belongs, which is a far cry from the courage and ethic espoused by Ernie Pyle. More importantly, what The Story of G.I. Joe underscores is that â€Å"motion pictures can provide helpful assistance in journalism history classes through a number of ways: as a reflection of how journalists and journalism are portrayed in the mass culture; as a means to measure the role that journalism plays in significant events; and, perhaps most important, as a device by which to assess the ethical role of journalism as reflected by the decisions and actions of the people portrayed.† (Holsinger & Schofield, 1992, p.44) The Story of G.I. Joe can also be said to be u nique for the level of realism it carries. The product is not just made for commercial purposes, but for artistic and documentary goals. It also served as a vehicle of propaganda to gather support for the war from the American public. The relatively late release of the film (released after the dust settled in the European theatre) is perhaps why it portrays combat in unglamorous terms, â€Å"emphasizing not the heroism of its soldiers but their weariness and daily hardships. Based on Pyle’s reports (collected in his 1943 book,  Here Is Your War) the film details the grueling effect of extended combat service on a platoon of American soldiers the Italian campaign. Led by Lieutenant Walker ( Robert Mitchum) and accompanied by Pyle, the platoon slowly advances, experiencing both danger and boredom but very little in the way of glory.† (Booker, 1999, p.14) Contemporary war movies as well as war journalism can do well by embracing such an attitude. It is in recognition of the valuable sensibilities displayed through the film that it won four Academy Award nominations, including to Mitchum for best supporting actor and to the three screenwriters (two of  whom, Endore and Stevenson, were prominent figures on the American cultural Left) for best screenplay. While some critics took the film’s grim depiction of war as an antiwar statement, James Agee insightfully notes that G.I. Joe is a "tragic and eternal work of art precisely because of its unflinching portrayal of the realities of

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Computer-assisted translation Essay Example for Free

Computer-assisted translation Essay A literal translation is a translation that follows closely the form of the source language. Also known as: | word-for-word translation| Literal translation, or directed translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another word-for-word (Latin: verbum pro verbo) rather than conveying the sense of the original. (This distinction is valid only when a literal translation does not accurately convey the sense, which is not invariably true.) Literal translation, or directed translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another word-for-word (Latin: verbum pro verbo) rather than conveying the sense of the original. (This distinction is valid only when a literal translation does not accurately convey the sense, which is not invariably true. ) In translation studies, literal translation denotes technical translation of scientific, technical, technological or legal texts. [1] In translation theory, another term for literal translation is metaphrase; and for phrasal (sense) translation — paraphrase. When considered a bad practice of conveying word by word (lexeme to lexeme, or morpheme to lexeme) translation of non-technical type literal translations has the meaning of mistranslating idioms,[2] for example, or in the context of translating an analytic language to a synthetic language, it renders even the grammar unintelligible. Term in translation studies Usage The term literal translation often appeared in the titles of 19th-century English translations of classical, Bible and other texts. Cribs Literal translations (cribs, ponies, or trots) are sometimes prepared for a writer who is translating a work written in a language he does not know. For example, Robert Pinsky is reported to have used a literal translation in preparing his translation of Dantes Inferno (1994), as he does not know Italian. [citation needed] Similarly, Richard Pevear worked from literal translations provided by his wife, Larissa Volokhonsky, in their translations of several Russian novels. [citation needed]. Poetry to prose Literal translation can also denote a translation that represents the precise meaning of the original text but does not attempt to convey its style, beauty, or poetry. There is, however, a great deal of difference between a literal translation of a poetic work and a prose translation. A literal translation of poetry may be in prose rather than verse, but also be error free. Charles Singletons translation of The Divine Comedy (1975) is regarded as a prose translation. As a bad practice  Literal translation implies that it is probably full of errors, since the translator has made no effort to convey, for example, correct idioms or shades of meaning. Examples A literal English translation of the German word Kindergarten would be children garden, but in English the expression refers to the school year between pre-school and first grade. Literal translations in which individual components within words or compounds are translated to create new lexical items in the target language (a process also known as â€Å"loan translation†) are called calques, e.g. , â€Å"beer garden† from German â€Å"Biergarten. † Literal translation of the Italian sentence, So che questo non va bene (I know that this is not good), produces Know(I) that this not goes(it) well, which has English words and Italian grammar. Machine translation Early machine translations (as of 1962[3] at least) were notorious for this type of translation as they simply employed a database of words and their translations. Later attempts utilized common phrases which resulted in better grammatical structure and capture of idioms but with many words left in the original language. For translating synthetic languages, a morphosyntactic analyzer and synthesizer is required. The best systems today use a combination of the above technologies and apply algorithms to correct the natural sound of the translation. In the end though, professional translation firms that employ machine translation use it as a tool to create a rough translation that is then tweaked by a human, professional  translator. Pidgins Often, first-generation immigrants create something of a literal translation in how they speak their parents native language. This results in a mix of the two languages in something of a pidgin. Many such mixes have specific names, e. g. Spanglish or Germish. For example, American children of German immigrants are heard using rockingstool from the German word Schaukelstuhl instead of rocking chair. Mistranslations Literal translation of idioms is a source of numerous translators jokes and apocrypha. The following famous example has often been told both in the context of newbie translators and that of machine translation: When the sentence The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Ð ´Ã'Æ'Ã'… Ð ±Ã ¾Ã ´Ã'€, Ð ¿Ã »Ã ¾Ã'‚Ã'Å' Ð ¶Ã µ Ð ½Ã µÃ ¼Ã ¾Ã'‰Ð ½Ã °, an allusion to Mark 14:38) was translated into Russian and then back to English, the result was The vodka is good, but the meat is rotten (Ã' Ã ¿Ã ¸Ã'€Ã'‚, Ð ºÃ ¾Ã ½Ã µÃ'‡Ð ½Ã ¾, Ð ³Ã ¾Ã'‚Ð ¾Ã ², Ð ½Ã ¾ Ð ¼Ã' Ã' Ã ¾ Ð ¿Ã'€Ð ¾Ã'‚Ã'Æ'Ã'…Ð »Ã ¾). This is generally believed to be simply an amusing story, and not a factual reference to an actual machine translation error. [4] Rating Scales for Narrative (open-ended or constructed) Questions Question: secretarial experience 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive independent secretarial/clerical experience (may be more than approximately five years). Candidate has extensive experience dealing with a wide variety of complex issues relative to challenges encountered in the secretarial/clerical work environment. Candidate provides specific details with respect to the diversity of tasks/projects they were involved in, and his/her roles and responsibilities. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and completely addresses the question. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate independent secretarial/clerical experience (may be approximately three to four years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of complex issues relative to challenges encountered in the secretarial/clerical work environment; however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and addresses the question. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate has limited independent secretarial/clerical experience (may be less than approximately three years). Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Question: social services experience. 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive experience providing professional level social services (may be more than approximately four years). Candidate has experience dealing with a wide variety of issues relative to providing these services. Candidate provides specific details with respect to the services they have provided, the diversity of tasks/projects completed, and his/her role and responsibility. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and addresses all of the above-outlined areas. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate experience providing professional level social services (may be approximately three to four years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of issues relative to providing these services; however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and addresses all of these areas. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate lacks adequate experience providing professional level social services (may be less than approximately three years), as required for this position. Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the outlined areas of the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Question: experience working with involuntarily committed individuals in a secured setting 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive experience working with involuntarily committed individuals in a secured setting (may be approximately two years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of tasks in this setting, including basic cleaning and maintenance. Candidate provides specific details with respect to the duties performed, diversity of situations encountered, and his/her role in providing service. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and addresses all of the above-outlined areas. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate experience working with involuntarily committed individuals in a secured setting (may be approximately one year). Candidate has experience dealing with the most important tasks (e. g. , perimeter patrol); however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and adequately addresses the question. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate lacks adequate experience working with involuntarily committed individuals in a secured setting (may be less than one year), as required for this position. Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the scope of the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Question: interview experience 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive experience interviewing clients to gather information (may be more than approximately two years). Candidate has experience dealing with a wide variety of individuals in a range of situations and specifically identifies the communication medium (e. g. , telephone, in-person). Candidate provides specific details with respect to the duties performed, purpose of interview, diversity of situations encountered, and his/her role. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and addresses all of the above-outlined areas. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate experience interviewing clients to gather information (may be approximately one to two years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of issues relative to interviewing; however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and addresses all of these areas. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate lacks  adequate experience conducting interviews with clients (may be less than approximately one year), as required for this position. Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the scope of the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Question: customer service experience 76| Well QualifiedCandidate has extensive customer service experience (may be more than approximately three years). Candidate has experience dealing with a wide variety of individuals in a range of situations (including communicating with difficult and/or hostile customers/clients). Candidate provides specific details with respect to the duties performed, purpose of customer service, diversity of situations encountered, and his/her role in providing service. Candidate’s response is thorough and complete and addresses all of the above-outlined areas. | 543| QualifiedCandidate has adequate customer service experience (may be approximately one to two years). Candidate has experience dealing with a variety of issues relative to providing customer service; however, his/her experience is not as thorough as that of the well-qualified candidate. Candidate provides specific details in the same areas described for the well-qualified candidate. Candidate’s response is complete and addresses all of these areas. | 21| Limited QualificationCandidate lacks adequate experience providing customer service (may be less than approximately one year), as required for this position. Candidate may have some experience, but that experience is limited or presented vaguely. Candidate may not provide specific details in response to the scope of the question. Candidate’s response may not be clear or complete. Candidate’s experience is limited and not at the level required for this position. | Semantic differential scale http://edutechwiki. unige. ch/en/Semantic_differential_scale#Examples Attitude scale for a web site (S. Kim MacGregor and Yiping Lou) * boring-interesting * meaningless-meaningful * important-unimportant, * informative-uninformative * disorganized-organized * easy-difficult Websites From UPAs web maintenance and design, retrieved April 11, 2011. The XXX association whose web site looks like this is: Unfriendly__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Friendly Amateurish__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Professional Ineffective__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Effective Dull__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Interesting Outdated__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Up-to-date Serious __1__2__3__4__5__6__7 Fun Weak__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Strong This visual design is: Cluttered__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Simple Unbalanced__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Balanced Unpleasant__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Pleasant Delicate__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Bold Confusing__1__2__3__4__5__6__7Clear Self report NURSING EXPERTISE SELF-REPORT SCALE Please circle the answer that best describes you. * 1. I am an: RN Other * 2. My job is: Staff nurse Assistant Nurse Manager Other * 3. Length of time since graduating as an RN: Under 6 months 6 * months to 3 years More than 3 years * 4. Length of time working on your unit:: Under 6 months 6 months to * 3 years More than 3 years * 5. Previous experience in nursing prior to graduating as an RN: Under * 6 months 6 months to 3 years More than 3 years The following is a list of statements about nursing care. Please circle the number that best represents your agreement with the statement. 1. Strongly Agree 2. Agree 3. Unsure 4. Disagree 5. Strongly Disagree * 1. I often know ahead of time that my patient will take a turn for the worse. 1 * 2. I frequently draw on past experiences when making patient care decisions. 2 * 3. Quality nursing care results from strictly adhering to policy and procedure. 5 * 4. When I do patient care, only a few pieces of information stand out as critically important. 2 * 5. I am consciously aware of the process of decision making in patient care. 1 * 6. Emotional attachments get in the way of good nursing care. 5 * 7. When something goes wrong with my patient, I seem to know automatically what to do. 2 * 8. Sometimes I find it difficult to identify objective reasons for certain patient care decisions. 2 * 9. The best way to give good nursing care is to get close to the patient. 2 * 10. I find it time consuming to set priorities in patient care. 5 * 11. I make my best decisions about patient care when I remain objective. 4 * 12. In an emergency, things happen so quickly that I don’t know what to do. 5 * 13. I base my patient care decisions more often on the rules that I learned in nursing school than on my experience in patient care. 5 * 14. It seems obvious to me what things need to be done first for my patients. 2 * 15. I use facts such as lab values and vital signs as my main source of information for making patient care decisions. 5 * 16. I usually require a lot of information about a patient care situation before I am comfortable with making a decision. 4 * 17. I do my best nursing care when I become truly involved with the patient. 1 * 18. I am comfortable with altering standard patient care procedures when I see the need. 3 * 19. Sudden patient care emergencies usually come as a complete surprise to me. 5 * 20. Most often I find myself relying on gut feelings when it comes to patient care. 5 Source: Reprinted with permission from G. Garland, Self-Report of Competence, Journal of Nursing Staff Development, Vol. 12, No. 4, p. 197, 1996, Lippincott-Raven. http://www. research-paper-example. com/nursing-self-report-scale. html http://upload. wikimedia. org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Example_Likert_Scale. svg Administering the thurstone scale Here is the final form. The respondents check only the statements with which they agree. The average ratings by the judges are shown in parentheses. These would not be included on the actual form given to respondents. Note that the more positive statements have a higher weight. This is a scale to measure your attitude toward marijuana. It does not deal with any other drug, so please consider that the items pertain to marijuana exclusively. We want to know how students feel about this topic. In order to get honest answers, the questionnaires are to be filled out anonymously. Do not sign your name. Please check all those statements with which you agree. | ___| 1. | I dont approve of something that puts you out of a normal state of mind. (3.0) | ___| 2. | It has its place. (7. 1) | ___| 3. | It corrupts the individual (2. 2) | ___| 4. | Marijuana does some people a lot of good. (7. 9). | ___| 5. | Having never tried marijuana, I cant say what effects it would have. (6. 0) | ___| 6. | If marijuana is taken safely, its effect can be quite enjoyable. (8. 9) | ___| 7. | I think it is horrible and corrupting. (1. 6) | ___| 8. | It is usually the drug people start on before addiction. (4. 9) | ___| 9. | It is perfectly healthy and should be legalized. (10. 0) | ___| 10. | Its use by an individual could be the beginning of a sad situation. (4. 1) | http://psychology. ucdavis. edu/sommerb/sommerdemo/scaling/enrich/thurstone. html Iba ang Pinoy ni Princess O. Canlas Ang Pilipinas ay binubuo ng ibat ibang lalawigan, at bawat lalawigan ay may kanya-kanyang bernakular. Ngunit iba-iba man ang salita, iba-iba mang lugar ang kinalakihan, iisa lang ang ugat na pinagmulan. Tayo ay Pilipino. Mahirap malaman kung ang isang tao ay Pilipino nga o hindi sa kasalukuyang panahon. Sapagkat ang iba sa atin ay mas nananalantay ang dugong banyaga. At kung minsan pay mahirap ding alamin sa kanilang gamit na wika. May maitim at mayroon namang maputi. May matangos ang ilong at mayroon namang sarat. May matangkad at mayroon din namang pandak. Ngunit isang katangian ang nagbubuklod sa mga Pilipino upang silay makilala mo at masabing: IBA ANG PINOY! Ang pagkakawanggawa ay may taglay na ibat ibang katangian. Sapagkat ang taong mapagkawanggawa ay masasabi ring matulungin sa kapwa, magalang, mabait, mapagbigay, mapagpaumanhin, mapagtimpi, o mapang-unawa. At ang pagkakawanggawang ito ang makikita sa mga Pilipino. Isang katangiang higit sa kayamanan. Mapapansin hanggang sa kasalukuyan na ang Pinoy ay may kusang loob na pagtulong sa mga taong nasa kanyang paligid, kilala man niya ang mga ito o hindi. Sa lansangan, ang mga bata ay tinutulungang makatawid nang matiwasay. Ang matatanda ay inaalalayan sa kanilang paglalakad. Ang maraming dala-dalahan ay tinutulungan sa pagbibitbit. Ang mga hindi sinasadyang mahulog na bagay ay pinupulot upang iabot. Ang mga upuan sa pampublikong sasakyan ay ipinagkakaloob ng mga kalalakihan sa matatanda o sa kababaihan. Pagbibigay ng pagkain sa mga nagugutom. Pagbabahagi sa mga nangangailangan. Pagtanggap sa mga bisita nang may sigla, paghahain ng pagkain kahit kung minsan ay wala ng matira para sa kanila. At minsan namay pag-ako sa mga gawaing naiwan ng iba. At ang lahat ng mga ito ay ginawa ng kusang-loob at hindi napilitan lamang. Iyan ang Pinoy. Likas sa mga Pilipino ang pagkakawanggawa. At ang kalikasang ito ay dapat ingatan at pagyamanin pa. Nababatid ba natin na ang katangiang ito ay nakapagkukubli ng mga pagkukulang na ating nagawa sa mata ng Diyos? Sa iyong paggawa ng kabutihan, maaring may mga pagkakataon na ikay hindi napasalamatan o nginitian man lamang ng iyong tinulungan. At ang iyong ginawa akala moy walang saysay o walang kabuluhan. Ngunit may Isang higit sa lahat ay nakakaalam. At Siya ang tanging makapagsusukli sa iyong kabutihan. Ang paggawa ng kabutihan sa kapwa ay may katumbas na gantimpala sa Panginoon. Ngunit hindi man natin makamit ang biyayang iyon dito sa lupa, makasisiguro tayong sa langit ay ipagkakaloob ng Diyos ang gantimpala. Tayoy mga Pilipino, at nananalantay rin sa ating ugat ang dugong Kristiyano. Ang pagkakawanggawa ay patuloy nating ihandog o ibahagi sa ating kapwa. At hayaang ang ibang bansa ang magsabing, Pinoy ay dakila!

Impact of Lyndon B. Johnson

Impact of Lyndon B. Johnson Discuss the historical significance of Lyndon B. Johnson LBJ, LBJ, how many kids have you killed today? Was one of the principal protest chants of the 1960s in the United States. It was directed at President Lyndon B. Johnson. It was about the war in Vietnam that the American government under the Johnson administration had been steadily become more involved in each passing year after he came to office following Kennedys assassination in November 1963. One can only imagine how this must have hurt for a man of Johnsons pride and character. Being accused of killing children is not something that anyone takes lightly. His reputation as a connoisseur of Washington hid visionary leadership qualities. He knew how to get what he wanted and when. He realized that American society had to change as the first post-World War Two generation was clamouring for a greater voice in society. His election in 1964 was one of the biggest majorities ever. It is hard to find a historical figure that does not have more than one facet or side to their political legacy and life, and Lyndon Johnson was no exception, but in his case, it was so much more pronounced. Yes, he was historically significant. Itis impossible to argue that he was not. This significance is firstly in his ‘Great Society legislation and philosophy, and secondly in his prosecution of the war in Vietnam. Each of these will be discussed in turn. Part A) Visionary: Kennedys footsteps and Great Society. Any president who comes to office following the death, accidental or not, of another president finds himself or herself in that shadow of that person. The position of vice-president is not an easy one in American government and politics. It carries no power and limited stature. One constantly feels second to holder of the office of president. Naturally, the vice-president is part of the cabinet and provides advice, but the political ideals and program belong to the current president. Looking at Kennedy and Johnson, one can only see differences, but the political need of Kennedy for Southern votes in 1960 made him choose Johnson. His victory created the myth of Camelot, which still stands to this date. He believed in civil rights for all Americans and wanted a more peaceful relationship with the Soviet Union. He was young and handsome, which generated a huge amount of charisma. His death robbed the United States of a leader of great potential. On November 22, 1963, Lyndon Johnson step ped into his shoes following his assassination. He lacked Kennedys charisma, but soon showed confidence. His reputation as a master of the Senate was proof of competence and knowledge. These skills would be soon into great demand as he was immediately confronted with the need to resolve multiple societal problems, such as race relations in the South and health care; issues that Kennedy had started looking at in his brief tenure as president. Johnson felt he had to bring the solutions to fruition, both for the country and Kennedy, and lastly for himself, which meant putting his imprint on them. The United States of the 1960s was in the throes of racial tensions and economic retardation. Southern states were resisting and ignoring federal attempts to impose civil rights for blacks. The result of which was the low voting levels and harassment of blacks in the American Deep South. There were periodical racial riots requiring at times the intervention of federal National Guard to quell them. Unemployment was rising and many Americans had no kind of medical coverage. The American constitutional order placed checks and balances on every level of power, but as the source of the racial inequalities was being ignored for very many reasons that are beyond the scope of this discussion, although one of them was that many presidents were reluctant to rock the boat fearing electoral and legislative setbacks. Such fears did not scare Johnson, as he had earned and cherished a Senate reputation of bending and cajoling other lawmakers to his way of thinking. He could be many things to many p eople. His birth in the Southern state of Texas gave him the image of a good olboy, which could be utilized to great effect. This appeal and experience would be highly beneficial as he was able to push through many legislative reforms by the end of 1965. Every January, the current American president gives a State of the Union address during which he or she proposes various ideas and programs for that year. At this point, Johnson declared a War on Poverty  and called for the passing of Kennedys tax cut and civil rights bill; the first easily passed its hurdles, while the second quickly got delayed. Part of his war on poverty involved creating jobs through massive government aid and intervention, very much on the scale of Roosevelts Great Deal in the 1930s, which served as his inspiration as he understood that the state could not stand by while the people suffered. This realization was in stark contrast to his view of the United States as the true representative of freedom in the world, which meant bringing violence and suffering to people around the world as everyone had their own There were two other major legislative elements of the Great Society, namely Medicare and Medicaid, and the Higher and Elementary and Secondary Education Acts in 1965;the former two set up health care funding for the elderly and the needy, while the latter two provided federal aid to schools. Some of his opponents argued that these reforms were federal involvement in state affairs and fought court cases to resist or delay them. A country of the stature of the United States could not claim to be torch bearer of democracy and freedom,  when a quarter of citizens were denied their rights and many governmental institutions either colluded in their denial or stood by while it occurred. Kennedy recognized this horror, although his predecessor Eisenhower had started redressing the ill when he ordered the National Guard to intervene during the Little Rock crisis in 1957. The Civil Rights Act was passed in July 1964, while the Voting Rights Act in 1965. The riots and violence soon became things of the past except when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in April 1968resulting in riots across 100 cities. A new Civil Rights Act was passed later that year. On a more personal level, he was the first American president to nominate a black person to the Supreme Court and the Cabinet, who were Thurgood Marshall previously having served as the solicitor-general of the United States in 1967 and Robert Weaver as secretary of housing and urban development in 1966. Both decisions opened some of the last bureaucratic rooms to racial integration despite the racist cringing of many Southern senators and governors. Part B) Ideologue: Cold War and the quicksand of Vietnam. The war in Vietnam would become Johnsons undoing. Like almost any other project or idea that he had, he wanted to fight and win it. His major pieces of legislation had been passed by early 1965 or were on their way. This freedom permitted him to increase the American presence in Vietnam. He ordered the first combat troops into Vietnam reversing a Kennedy policy of pulling out of Vietnam as he believed in the ‘Domino Theory whereby if one country fell to Communism, others would follow, so a stand had to be made and Vietnam fulfilled that role. This geo-political theory developed in the 1950s and soon became a guiding principle of many elements of American foreign policy, but sadly it was very blinkered way of thinking, because the theory soon became the reality as facts were manipulated, or even created, to fit into it. The inability to grow beyond it would hamper much of Johnsons thinking on Vietnam. The initial American involvement in Vietnam dated from 1955 after the French h ad been defeated atDien Bien Phu when the United States under Eisenhower felt it had to buttress non-Communist forces in South East Asia. The world of the 1960s was in the throes of a cooling-off period in the Cold War after having closely brushed with nuclear Armageddon in Cuba in October 1962, and the growing American involvement was perceived as a renewed hot period. Not everyone believed in this war, as they realized that it was a battle between two opposing ideologies, Capitalism and Communism; both of which had their supporters and critics, and the question was why did someone have to choose between them. Many counties did ignore the two superpowers and formed the Non-Aligned Movement. ‘Unsurprisingly, this act angered both superpowers. The nature of this war was that the United States and Soviet Union never actually fought each other, but used proxies to fulfil their ideological agendas. Ironically, the political nature of many of these proxies was that they were corrupt, repressive and dictatorial; for instance, in the case of Vietnam, the Diem government in the South supported by the Johnson administrati on was suppressing opposition to its rule, while Ho Chi Minh in the North was widely praised and respected. In atwist of irony, the repressive policies of the Diem government led the American government to overthrow him, but this only further destabilized the country and accelerated its slide into chaos. The basic Cold War philosophy meant that the legitimate democratic needs and hopes of millions were ignored, and it can be argued that this fact damaged the United States more than it did the Soviet Union as the United States claimed to be leader in world democracy and freedom. Johnson’s belief in the American mission to bring democracy to the world was one of his justifications to get involved in Vietnam. This argument begs belief. In the end, this contradiction could not be resolved, and it became the source of the American military and political loss. When Lyndon Johnson came to office, there were only about 16000 advisers in Vietnam, but he would raise the number of combat soldiers to almost 50000 by the late 1960s. He increased the number of bomber missions in the hope of crushing the spirit of the Vietnamese. Not only was the cost in lives was enormous, but also in infrastructure, as bridges, dams and building were destroyed. Such destruction put a stop to any development projects by the Vietnamese. One of the consequences of such a massive bombing was the scarring of the landscape whereby huge holes were made across the country creating impediments to agricultural development. One of the more tragic episodes of the Vietnam War was the authorization to use a weed killer to defoliate trees and shrubs in the hope of uncovering supply routes used by the Vietnamese. It was code-named Agent Orange and was sprayed from planes flying over jungles. It was a pesticide and was never thought of as being dangerous to the health of humans. Protests quickly grew as claims were raised that it was causing various forms of cancer in both Vietnamese civilians and American soldiers, and recently studies have slowly tended to support such views. The psychological success but military failure of the North Vietnameses Tet offensive in 1968started the American military withdrawal process. In a major reversal, Johnson stopped increasing troops and thought of ways to extricate himself and his country from Vietnam. The failure of Johnson to realize that the war was based on the desire of independence of a people at all costs meant that regardless of how many military victories were achieved, the war never ended. It has been a standing law in American politics to not bring back soldiers in body bags as it is politically damaging. Every death was a nail in Johnson’s political coffin. The chant How, Ho Chi Minh shouted by American protesters must have been devastating to Johnson as they cheered his opponent in a war that he su pported. In other areas of the gloomy world of the Cold War, Johnson was quite forward thinking and deserved credit. The close call of nuclear destruction during the Cuba Missile Crisis meant that a special red phone line was installed so that the leaders of the United States and Soviet Union could talk to each other quickly. To accelerate communication and travel, a new air route was installed between Moscow and New York City. His meeting with Premier Kosygin in June 1967 was another in a recent line of summits between American and Soviet leaders, and their discussions led to proposals to reduce the development of nuclear weapons, which later grew into the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ratified internationally in March 1970, but unfortunately as this was passed by the American Senate in 1969 after Johnson had left office, much of the credit went to his successor, Richard Nixon. This agreement was one of the first major limitations of nuclear use and was the father of the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, otherwise known as SALT. Conclusion According to ancient Egyptian mythology, the soul of every person was weighed measuring his or her good and bad deeds to decide their place in the Afterword. This view has both negative and positive aspects as every action has a value, but one huge good or bad act can outweigh a lot of small bad or good ones. Depending on whom you ask, both the Vietnam War and the Great Society can be either, but prosecuting an unnecessary war is hard to defend, while programs designed to help the needy is so much easier to do so. The war in Vietnam failed to achieve any of its objectives of liberating people and extending American power in the region, while the Great Society opened American society to new levels and made more people feel part of it. In this regard, a very simple description of Lyndon Johnsons place in history is that he was a divisive figure. He was the author of two great things in American society; firstly the Great Society and secondly the Vietnam War, although the present use of the term great is in its sense of social grandeur and socially revolutionary. He is remembered affectionately and hated deeply for each of them, but not always in the way that some of us might think. It is a mark of this divisiveness, which he himself recognized, that he stepped aside from running again as president in March 1968. His successor as president was Richard Nixon. Bibliography Morris, Errol. The Fog of War. DVD. Columbia Tri Star, 2004. Johnson, Lyndon. The Vantage Point: Perspectives of the Presidency, 1963-1969. Holt, Rinehartand Winston, 1971. Caro, Robert A. Master of the Senate: the years of Lyndon Johnson. Cape, 2002. Bernstein, Irving. Gunsor Butter: the presidency of Lyndon Johnson. Oxford University Press, 1995. Dallek, Robert. Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and his times, 1961-1973. Oxford University Press,1998.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Discrimination Against Those with AIDS :: Discrimination AIDS

Employees are being discriminated against for their infectious illness known as A.I.D.S. They are labeled incapable of performing the tasks they pursued before they were recognized as being infected. The confidentiality of an employee is a private matter and very personal. There aremany different kinds of prejudice but not one as deadly as A.I.D.S Discrimination. The emotional trauma and future ofemployment play a giant role in the inflicted. Health policies through job-related fields must learn to recognize that like other illnesses, A.I.D.S does not forbid an employee of performing his or her duties. It is the most altering form of discrimination because of the fact that every time a person finds out they are positive, the opinions of those who surround them are likely to change. The working class is the most susceptible to this form of discrimination. The every day environment of an employee with A.I.D.S is also the work grounds for someone who isn'tinfected with A.I.D.S. A.I.D.S Discrimination in a job-related atmosphere is due to lack of education and sensitivity. The infection of HIV does not reduce an employee'sefficiency from satisfactory to intolerable. An employee should not be denied employment or promotion if they are not flawed by HIV. Some employees are not stripped of their capacities to perform even though they are infected with HIV(Lewy 2). Why should the employee health benefits be altered because of the nature of the disease. The majority of employee policies offered cover catastrophic illness with only ten percent covering A.I.D.S. One particular policy states that people do not become infected through usual behavior in a working environment. This illustrates that A.I.D.S patients are protected under disability law and are entitled to the same medical benefits (Karr A1). Policies must be issued to protect the inflicted. A Department of Health and Human Services review board has ruled "discrimination against someone who's HIV-positive is illegal" (Kolasa 63). Where does it say that unless the infected is under employment? The main thing to understand is that it doesn't. Eileen Kolasa reminds us of a law of direct meaning "HIV is a handicap protected under federal law" (66). The American justice system is what decides the fate of the infected. The challenge of bringing an A.I.D.S discrimination case in court has become very common in the United States. Such actions have been victorious and have helped pass revised Disability Acts which applies to all diseases (Annas 592). Even though the infected are defended under law, it still violates a person's human rights of personal health secrecy. This discrimination has not received attention as aform of human-rights violation. The government and court systems have helped essentially, but discrimination also affects medical care.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Greed :: essays research papers

For more than fifteen years psychologist Julian Edney has visited college campuses across the nation to study the effects of greed in a society where over $100 billion in new wealth accumulates each year. On each of his stays, he would play a game with randomly selected students where 10 metal nuts in a bowl represented ‘extra credit’. The students would then take the nuts for a single extra credit point. In this, he promised to double the amount of nuts left in the bowl every 10 seconds. Hypothetically, the game could last forever yielding limitless rewards as the students took turns taking a nut from the bowl. However Dr. Edney determined that 65 percent of the groups couldn’t get pass the first 10 second round, and the others could only make it a few more cycles until modest students turned into rambunctious maniacs scrounging for that last nut. Edney’s conclusion: Greed trumps trust. (U.S. News Magazine, 6/17/96 Special) â€Å"Small towns and neighborhoods in America used to be cohesive,† political scientist Bruce Frohnen pronounced in the May 1999 issue of Family Policy. â€Å"They did not seek openness to all ways of life. Nor did they seek economic betterment as the sole proper goal,† he added. â€Å"Faith and tradition were ruling forces in the lives of Americans, bidding them care for their families and neighbors and their souls, as much as their pocketbooks.† But as the material girls and boys grew, so did the need for greed. In a recent study by Roper Starch Worldwide, the values of teenagers moving into the new millennium have drastically changed from their parent’s visions. The percentage who said they wanted to earn â€Å"a lot of money† grew 25 points from the 38 percent in 1975. Those who said they needed a microwave oven as a necessity rose 19 points, and the percentage that believed life without an answering machine was incomprehensible grew more than 18 points. At the same time, teenagers who believed â€Å"developing a meaningful philosophy of life† dropped by 42 percent. However the rise of money’s power in student-age adults coincided with a reward system for the newly transpired talents. Repetitive tasks are being replaced by super technology while responsibilities requiring intelligence and skill are more emphasized. It is a â€Å"winner take all† society though, where the lopsided share of benefits go to very few players. The ostentation is not all coming from the upcoming generation though.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Cowardly Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale in Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Scarlet Letter:   The Cowardly and Weak Dimmesdale    In the book The Scarlet Letter, the character Reverend Dimmesdale, a very religious man, committed adultery, which was a sin in the Puritan community. Of course, this sin could not be committed alone. His partner was Hester Prynne. Hester was caught with the sinning only because she had a child named Pearl. Dimmesdale was broken down by Roger Chillinsworth, Hester Prynne’s real husband, and by his own self-guilt. Dimmesdale would later confess his sin and die on the scaffold. Dimmesdale was well known by the community and was looked up to by many religious people. But underneath his religious mask he is actually the worst sinner of them all. His sin was one of the greatest sins in a Puritan community. The sin would eat him alive from the inside out causing him to become weaker and weaker, until he could not stand it anymore. In a last show of strength he announces his sin to the world, but dies soon afterwards. In the beginning Dimmesdale is a weak, reserved man. Because of hi s sin his health regresses more and more as the book goes on, yet he tries to hide his sin beneath a religious mask. By the end of the book he comes forth and tells the truth, but because he had hidden the sin for so long he is unable to survive. Dimmesdale also adds suspense to the novel to keep the reader more interested in what Reverend Dimmesdale is hiding and his hidden secrets. Therefore Dimmesdale’s sin is the key focus of the book to keep the reader interested. Dimmesdale tries to cover up his sin by preaching to the town and becoming more committed to his preachings, but this only makes him feel guiltier. In the beginning of the story, Dimmesdale is described by these words; â€Å"His eloquence and religious fervor had already given earnest of high eminence in his profession.†(Hawthorne,44). This proves that the people of the town looked up to him because he acted very religious and he was the last person that anyone expected to sin. This is the reason that it was so hard for him to come out and tell the people the truth. Dimmesdale often tried to tell the people in a roundabout way when he said â€Å"†¦though he (Dimmesdale) were to step down from a high place, and stand there beside thee on thy pedestal of shame, yet better were it so, than to hide a guilty heart through life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Jail and Prison Essay

Many people in the United States do not know that there are differences between jail and prison and what they are. Local jurisdictions, such as counties and cities, use jails to detain offenders for short periods of time. A prison, or penitentiary, is controlled by the state, and is used to detain convicted criminals for longer duration (Schmallenger, 2011). A jail is designed for short term offenders, and has more amenities than a prison. Jails house individuals who have been convicted to serve a short sentence, usually one year or less, detain individuals awaiting trial, waiting to pay bail or denied bail, and detainees held on suspicion of committing a crime. Most jails are designed to hold a very small number of criminals, and have low security when compared to prisons. As an example, the Durango Jail in Phoenix, Arizona, houses approximately 2,214 inmates. They provide a general-purpose day room area with seating areas, and a bathroom area with sinks, toilets, and showers, and have two large outside areas for recreation. The jail also includes a medical clinic, chapel and education classrooms where inmates can attend scheduled religious and educational programs throughout the day (â€Å"Mcso†, 2013). Jails play an important role in the criminal justice system, and without them, there would not be a place to hold these short term inmates and offenders. A prison is much larger than a jail, and capable of handling far more prisoners. The prisoners are typically categorized and separated on the basis of the types of crimes that they have been convicted of as a safety precaution, and there are three types of prisons: minimum security, medium security, and maximum security. Minimum security inmates often have private rooms and have the ability to walk around more freely, as well as commissary visits to purchase candy and tobacco. Medium security prisons are more dorm-like and have walled recreation areas. Maximum security prisons have more barriers, towers, armed guards, and inmates have far less free time and open areas. According to â€Å"Arizona Department of Corrections† (2013), the Tucson Prison Complex in Tucson, Arizona, currently has a total population of approximately 3,700 inmates and a capacity to hold up to 5,170 inmates. Amenities include exercise areas, common areas for eating and socializing in lower security areas, church facilities, and an educational facility (Schmallenger, 2011). Because of the long duration of most prison sentences, a complex social, and political structure arises among the prisoners. Prisoners form cliques and strive to create their dominance inside the fences and walls. Prison culture and subculture affect the daily lives of inmates from the moment they step foot in to a prison. Inmates are defined by their position, or hierarchy, and are fueled by having power over others and their reputation is at stake. Bartering items such as tobacco, food, drugs and makeshift weapons is a way of gaining power, as well as using sexual force and dominance (Schmallenger, 2011). Groups are formed, gangs are created and multiplied, and are often based on race, ethnicity, religion and who you were involved with outside of the prison gates. Due to these subcultures, violent crimes occur, the STD rate increases and the prison medical costs increase. Placing offenders on probation or parole may effect the statistics, but not by much, as occurrences and violence are always ongoing. Probation, an alternative form of sentencing, allows convicted offenders to avoid jail time. They are released back into the community, but must follow a strict set of rules. Rules can include curfew, maintaining a job, and checking in with a probation officer regularly. Probation is a beneficial tool for the community, as it allows offenders to become positive role models in society by participating in community service as well as saving tax payer dollars on potentially unnecessary prison costs. Parole is governed by the executive branch and is the conditional release of a convict who has served part of his term in prison (University of Phoenix, 2011). The primary purpose is to return offenders gradually to productive lives and are usually granted by a parole board to a prisoner with a good record and good conduct while in prison. Sentencing offenders to probation or releasing individuals on parole can free up thousands of dollars annually, as it can cost anywhere from $12,000 to $60,000 per year to house an inmate (CNN Money, 2013). There are also a few other alternatives to probation and parole that are also beneficial, such as drug treatment facilities, house  arrest and electronic monitoring, halfway houses, boot camp prisons, and work-release programs. Jails and prisons, as a part of the criminal justice system, play an important role in society. By deterring crime, securing criminals, and attempting to rehabilitate those who have broken the law, they not only educate society, but make an example of those who successfully have completed sentencing and rehabilitation and have made themselves flourishing products of society. References MCSO. (2013). Retrieved from Schmallenger, F. (2011). Criminal Justice Today. An Introductory Text for the 21st Century (11th ed.). : Prentice Hall. University of Phoenix. (2011). CJi Interactive. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, CJA204 website. Arizona Department of Corrections. (2013). Retrieved from CNN Money. (2013). Retrieved from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Ideology of the films Essay

I. Introduction Feature films such as Star Wars and The Terminator last just a couple of hours, but they take months or even years to make. Huge teams of people are involved in preparing for the action, and then capturing it on camera. Then, when the acting has finished, more hard work begins on turning the action into a film fit for cinema and TV screens. This paper studies (1) who were the first film-makers; (2) know the development of cinema worldwide; (3) be aware of the different types of modern film and; (4) figure out the film-making at present. II. Background A. The first film-makers The first people to invent equipment for making films were the Americans W. K. L. Dickson and Thomas Edison, in the early 1890s. Their apparatus consisted of a camera called the Kinetograph and a viewing box called the Kinetoscope. Only one person at a time could look into the viewing box to watch the film, which was in black and white, had no sound and lasted just a few seconds. Two French brothers called Auguste and Louis Lumiere first devised a way of projecting film images onto a large screen for an audience. The Lumiere brothers called their apparatus the Cinematographe. They carried out their first demonstration in a Paris cafe in December 1895. People were stunned to see the large, moving pictures. Other inventors immediately began creating new types of projectors and experimenting with making their own films. ? Early film-making ideas Film cameras do not record movement. The moving pictures we see on screen are actually still photographs, taken so quickly one after the other that they seem to merge. Each still photograph is called a frame. Most film cameras today take 24 frames every second, on a big reel of film that is wound steadily through the camera. The first film cameras, though, could take only 16 frames every second. The length of the film on the reel was 20 or 25 metres, which gave just about one minute of screen time. So the first films usually showed just one, short scene. For example, L’Arroseur Arrose (A Trick on the Gardener) by the Lumiere brothers, made in 1895. The first film with more than one scene was probably Come Along Do! , produced by the Robert Paul company in Britain in 1898. The company joined a scene outside an art gallery with a scene inside. A film-maker called George Melies began to produce multi-scene films, such as Cinderella (1899). Melies also experimented with interesting ways to join the scenes together. He often used equipment, such as slides and magic lanterns, to create special effects. At the turn of the century, two British film-makers working separately in Brighton came up with creative ideas for shooting the scenes themselves. George Albert Smith invented a technique for filming a scene from different camera positions. In The Little Doctors (1901), a scene showing somebody feeding medicine to a kitten is shown first from a distance, then in close-up, then from a distance again. James Williamson had a different idea—to shoot a piece of action across several scenes, instead of just one. In Stop Thief! (1901), the lead character runs out of one scene, then the film cuts to a new scene elsewhere and the lead character runs into the scene, continuing the story. An American film-maker called Edwin S. Porter used ideas like these especially effectively in a 1903 film called The Great Train Robbery. III. Discussion A. The Development of Cinema Worldwide In the early days of film-making there were no cinemas. Film-makers used specialist sales organizations to sell their films to entertainment organizers, who projected them as part of variety shows in tent theatres. From 1905 to 1908 in the United States, thousands of theatres (known as nickelodeons) were set up especially for film. Permanent film theatres were also established across Europe, and film-making became a booming business. From 1908 a leading centre for American film-making developed in an area of southern California called Hollywood. Established British and French film companies were joined by flourishing film industries all over the world. An Italian film company produced the first large-scale film in 1912. It was called Quo Vadis? , and used massive film sets and more than 5,000 actors. Film-going became so popular that from 1914 many lavish cinemas called picture palaces were created. They could seat thousands of people at a time. Film-companies began to make films that lasted for several reels instead of just one. Picture palace audiences had to wait in the middle of a film while the projectionist changed reels. Films in those days were silent, so picture palaces usually had a pianist or organist who played music to accompany the action. Film-makers also included short written sentences in the film to add to the story or explain what the actors were saying. One of the most famous silent film stars was the British actor Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), who created the loveable character of the â€Å"little tramp† who had a funny walk. Many film companies experimented with animated drawings and models, as well as human actors. European film companies introduced the idea of making information films about events in the news, as well as films for entertainment. ? Color and Sound From the early 1900s, inventors had worked on films with colour and sound. The first breakthrough with colour came in 1908 in London, when G. A. Smith demonstrated a colour film process called Kinemacolour. However, Kinemacolour shades were based on just two colours, so films continued to be made in black and white. The first colour films to be created successfully from two colours were Toll of the Sea and The Black Pirate, shown to the public in 1922. In 1926 the American film company Warner Brothers delighted audiences with a series of short films that had sound to match the pictures. As the sound was recorded on a separate disc, the words did not always match the mouth movements of the actors. Warner Brothers’ The Jazz Singer was the first full-length talkie, in 1927. The film company Fox soon developed a more effective technique for recording the sound onto the film itself. During the 1930s, Hollywood film companies made the most of the new sound technology by making musicals with singing and dancing stars such as Shirley Temple, and Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Gangster talkies and romantic comedies were popular in the United States and Britain, although at this time the Japanese film industry was the largest producer of films in the world. In 1934, the Bombay Talkies studio was formed in India, founding one of the biggest film industries in the world. While film companies had been busy creating talkies, they had also been working on perfecting colour in films. Finally a process was developed that used three colors to create different shades, rather than just two. In 1935, the first three-strip Technicolor film was produced, Becky Sharp. From then on, moving pictures not only sounded real, they looked real too. B. Different Types of Modern Films Since the early days, many different types, or genres, of feature film have been made. These include westerns (such as The Magnificent Seven), thrillers (The Fugitive), comedies (Home Alone), action adventures (Indiana Jones), supernatural horror (Dracula), war epics (The Great Escape), romantic comedies (When Harry Met Sally). Crime and gangster films (The Godfather), films with animation (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? ), spy adventures (Mission Impossible), kung-fu extravaganzas (Enter the Dragon), science-fiction (E.T. —The Extraterrestrial) and modern musicals (Grease and Moulin Rouge). Sometimes films combine two or more genres. Some films are produced with three-dimensional technology, so that if you wear special glasses, the images on-screen appear to have more depth, just like in real life. Other films are made for IMAX cinemas. These special cinemas have giant-sized screens with sophisticated sound systems to make you feel as if you are right in the middle of the action. IV. Conclusion A. Film-making today Film-making requires different specialist staff and technical processes, depending on what the film is about. All films go through three broad stages before they are ready for an audience. During the pre-production stage all the preparations are made for filming. The producer chooses the story, raises money and employs the people who will work on the film. The scriptwriter writes the words, creating an exciting plot and interesting characters. The director decides on the overall style of the film and chooses the leading actors. The art director is in charge of designers for the film sets, costumes and makeup, and choosing locations outside the studio. Technical directors are in charge of crews who build huge film sets and arrange lighting, sound and special effects. The production manager controls the budget and makes practical arrangements for filming. During the production stage filming takes place. Stories are not usually filmed in the right order. The actors and crew film all the scenes that take place in one location before moving on to another. The director guides the creative elements of the film, from giving opinions on the story, to instructing the actors, to choosing camera angles. The director is helped by people in different departments. For instance, a continuity person makes sure that all the details are correct in scenes that are shot out of sequence (such as the actors’ clothes and length of their hair). That way, when the filmed scenes are put into the right order later, they will run together smoothly. The post-production stage happens when all the action has been filmed. An editor cuts sequences of action and joins them together, adding the sound. When the director and producer are happy with it, the finished film is then ready for distribution companies to sell to cinemas or TV companies.

Understanding the Patient Intake Process – Essay

Although, there are ways to make it easier for both the patient and the medical billing specialist and that is to use online registration. However, let us discuss the current process first. Although, the actual process may vary from practice to practice, the main objective behind the process is to obtain Information from new and established patients while he/she Is checking In at the practitioner's office, the hospital, or health clinic. Patient flow can be maintained if the medical practice implements an effective intake process.The intake process is just as important in serving satisfied customers as how he/she are treated during the process, time waiting in the waiting room to be taken back to the exam room, and time spent with the physician. If any of the processes are caking in organization, there will be unsatisfied customers, or patients, which, in turn, leads to less customers, or patients, that the physician administers treatment to. The process begins before the patient eve r steps foot inside the practitioners office.As soon as the patient calls the office to make an appointment the intake process begins because when a patient calls to make an appointment, the individual in charge of scheduling usually gathers the person's full name, telephone number, address, date of birth, gender, reason for the appointment, the name of the health Lana (If the patient has knob and the name of the referring physician (If the patient Is referred) (Valueless, Bases, Newbie, & Gaggers, Chapter 3-Patient Encounters and Billing Information, 2008).Then the office employee schedules the patient for the appropriate amount of time according to the reason for the visit. When the patient comes into the office the day of the appointment, if he/she is a new patient, he/she must come in early to fill out paperwork.One way that this can be made easier for patients, as well as medical staff, is for the medical practice to have online registration available to the patients. Online re gistration is a tool used by medical facilities to allow patients to register his/her billing and medical information before coming into the office for the first time. Because the patients are responsible for filling out the registration, there are fewer errors and less work for he staff member responsible for putting the information into the computer program. Furthermore, the patients look at it as a convenience (Sporran Solutions, 2011). Patients view this as a convenience because it enables him/her to fill out their information on his/her own time- at any time day or night.So, instead of having to fill out the information when he/she arrives at the office, he/she can fill it out beforehand and have less time spent in the waiting room (Sporran Solutions, 2011). Online registration also enables medical staff to receive and chart information more accurately and efficiently. So how does it work? When the patient calls to make his/ her first appointment the staff member that he/she is talking to tells him/her that they are able to register online before their first appointment (Sporran Solutions, 2011). The patient fills out the information and once it is completed the staff member can put it into the system, print it, and prepare the patient chart before the visit; physician reviews medical history more quickly (Sporran Solutions, 2011).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Environmental Effects of Fast-Food Essay

The primary goal What Is Organic Agriculture? of organic agriculture is to optimize the health A and productivity of interdependent According to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), organic agriculture is â€Å"an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on communities of management practices that restore, maintain, or enhance ecological harmony. The soil life, plants, rimary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of animals, and people. interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals, and people. † (NOSB, 2003) Though the term â€Å"organic† is defined by law (see â€Å"Legal† section on pages 3 and 4), the terms â€Å"natural† and â€Å"eco-friendly† are not. Labels that contain those terms may imply some organic methods were used in the production of the foodstuff but do not guarantee complete adherence to organic practices as defined by a law. Some products marketed as â€Å"natural† may have been produced with synthetic or manufactured products (those not onsidered to be â€Å"organic†), such as â€Å"natural beef. Farming without tion statistics in the United States the use of petroleum-based chemicals (USDA-ERS, 2002). This census, conductare young people (fertilizers and pesticides) was the sole ed in 2002, identified U. S. farmers who and college-educated option for farmers until after World War reported 2. 5 million acres of land II. The war brought with it technologies dedicated to organic production. This consumers. that were useful to agricultural producfigure probably under-represents current tion. For example, ammonium nitrate production because many organic farmused for munitions during World War II ers produce their products organically, volved into ammonium nitrate fer tilizer; but sell less than $15,000 per year and are exempt organophosphate nerve gas production led to the from inspection (see â€Å"Organic Certification†), or do development of powerful insecticides. These technot label their product as organic and, in general, nical advances since World War II have resulted in are direct marketing to a local customer. In 1999, significant economic benefits as well as environIowa farmers reported 150,000 acres of organic mental and social detriments. Organic agriculture cropland to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and seeks to use those advances that consistently yield Land Stewardship (IDALS) survey. This increase in benefits, such as new varieties of crops, precision organic acreage in Iowa represents a doubling from agriculture technologies, and more efficient the previous year and a sixfold increase since 1996. machinery, while discarding those methods that The U. S. organic industry continues to grow at have led to negative impacts on society and the a rate of 20 percent annually. Industry estimates environment, such as pesticide pollution and insect placed it at $10 billion in 2001. The organic industry pest resistance. Organic farming is considered a s a consumer-driven market. According to industry systems approach, where interactions between surveys, the largest purchasers of organic products components (crops, animals, insects, soil) are as are young people and college-educated consumers. important as the whole farm itself. Today we are faced with the unique opportunity to Instead of using synthetic fertilizers, organic take advantage of a growing market demand and farmers use crop rotations, cover crops, and comuse the technologies developed over the past 50 post to maintain or enhance soil fertility. Also, years. More and more farmers are interested in nstead of using synthetic pesticides, organic the profitability and environmental benefits that farmers employ biological, cultural, and physical organic systems yield. methods to limit pest expansion and increase populations of beneficial insects. Geneticallymodified organisms (GMOs), such as herbicideresistant seeds and plants, as well as product ingredients, such as GM-lecithin, are disallowed in organic agriculture because they constitute synthetic inputs and pose unknown risks (see GMO discussion opposite).